Actualy Dare# 6,and Ask#1

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Me : Hello Everybody I'm Back

Lewie : It's been a day

Crystal : Actualy it's been around 8 months

Me : Stop breaking the forth Wall

Crystal : Fineeeeeeeee

Me : Ok Now the first one is from Rebecca wood and it says that 1 Jean has to draw againts Rebecca 2 Rubber Band Has to to have a singing competition againts her/him 3 hole punch gets hugged for 10 days 4 tape can't speak in his accent 5 scissors can't harm or kill anyone and 6 stapler is gonna be turned into a human and also tape and scissors can switch back now

Tape :......

Scissors : wait why are you not talking

Tape glares at her

Scissors : Oh right the dare but your still my little sticker

Jean : To be honest i like him better this way

Rubber : I feel nothing

Hole Punch : finnaly i can annoy him and he won't hurt my feelings

Stapler (already a human) : you're still my least favorite

Me : Anyways it's time for a drawing copetition The judges will be me,olly,olyvia,and scissors it'll start in 3 2 1 GO

Jean : No Not good enough

Rebecca : *Speedran drawing* Tada

Draws the legion of of stationery but bad

Olly : alright let's see what Jean has oh wait he hasn't finish i wonder hor long it will take

18 hours later

Olly : y'know what Rebecca wins she/he atleast drew something

Me : Now for our singing contest Rubber band will go first

Rubber : Ok *sings sweet but pshyco* (Can't put the lyrics in cause wattpad just dies when i do so)

Me : Very good RB now it is Rebeccas turn

Rebecca : *sings never gonna give you up*

Me :....................... RB wins

RB (Rubber Band) : Yas

Me : let's see how scissors is doing

Hole punch : *Annoying her*

Scissors : i swear when this dare is over i'll rip you in to thousands of mother[_____] peices

Hole Punch : your not the only one suffering Rebecca has to hug me for 10 days

Scissors : .........

Me : let's see what stapler is doing

Stapler : hmm weird i have hands and legs how do is use em but now i can't staple anything and also i'm a furry

Me : y'know what let's check on Speed and Lazuli first

Lazuli : c'mon speed get up

Speed : but i don't wanna


Speed : Ok fine i'll get up

Lazuli : we should watch what ever party tron sent us

Speed : you mean the link

Lazuli : ........... Idiot

Me : Hello guys

Speed : wassup

Me : we have an ask from party tron to think of the best dare or ask so Think of one now

Speed : I dare Trace and Lewie to be a girl for 2 days

Lazuli : I dare Silvia go to the Grand Canyon

Me : well i gotta teleport everyone here so *teleports everyone here* so you gotta think of the best Dare or ask

Lewie : hmmmmmmmm i dare eat beans only for a week

Sythe : I dare everybody to drink salt water

Ace : I dare every female to dress up and look as fab as me

Vacty : I'll ask who is everybodies crush

Vulca : I dare every ship KISS

Weave : I dare cresselia and darkrai date

Cresselia : c'mon weave he will never love me

Lily : i dare lewie become shorter

Knight : i'll ask lapis why she ven likes me

Lapis : i'll ask knight if he LOVES me

Cresselia : i dare darkrai to not spred nightmares to every pokemon for 2 days

Darkrai : well i dare cresselia to nor spred any dreams for 2 days

Crystal : I dare Andres to continue season 2 of our book

Everybody exept crystal and vulca : WUT

Flare : I dare leaf to give me choclate

Pearl : i dare black to spend an entire day with me

Black : i dare pearl to not assault me of any kind

Leaf : I dare Ace to stay away from flare

Ace : Jeez okay girl

Silvia : I dare Trace and Max to come here

Trace and Max fall down from the sky

Trace : Ouch

Crystal : Tracey

Trace : Kris

*they hug*

Speed : .................... somepokemon is gonna die tonight

Lazuli : No, not gonna happen *Knocks out speed * anyways let's continue

Max : No hugs for me

Jean : i'll ask why i'm shipped with Hole Punch

RB : i dare Jean to lend me all his pencils

Jean : and use the for fireworks or something

Hole Punch : i'll dare everyone to punch their crush

Tape : ........................... i dare olly make me third in command

Scissors : I dare hole punch not be annoying for a week

Stapler : I dare olly give me a bone

Olyvia : i dare the legion of stationery stay quiet

Olly : I dare the legion of stationery not act like children

Me : say bye everyone

Everyone : bye

Me : Anyways that is how i'm gonna end it with 782 words this is the longest one yet and also sorry for the late updates but with the power of Caffeine i can do anything

Ask or Dare my OC's and also eeveelution squad + origami king  season 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum