11. In Which Wangji Makes An Appearance In Lectures.

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Wangji had successfully managed to make his way up the mountain without anyone spotting him and had stealthily made his way back into the healers' den.

Although, he was still rather wet, and smelled heavily like lotus flowers and water vines. Worse things to smell like, really.

Taking off his robes, he hung them over a clothes rack. He braided his hair in a long plait, so it was off his neck and sunk into the bed.

Sleep claimed him instantly as he dreamt about water plants.

The next day, he woke up at noon precisely and felt better than he had in ages. He had absolutely no intention of lifting a single finger unless absolutely necessary.

Looking out the window with a content look, he exhaled and leaned back in his bed.

I guess I should get up now, he thought as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

Wei Ying was absolutely jaded the entire day. The gift-giving ceremony just swam right through his ears, and he was in a daze the whole time. He didn't even bother to try to make trouble, he just stared at the floor in thought.

Just what was that thing? He had never seen anything like it. It looked like it was the same size as him, if not a bit bigger. He only saw a half of it. And the way it shone, reminded him of stars, or maybe pearls. It looked powerful, as well. Those fins looked like they could slice him in half.

Right, it had fins, didn't it? he thought as he let his feet guide him.

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng snapped as he punched his shidi in the arm.

"Huh, what?" He said as he looked around. It seems that the Young Master of the Nie Sect had tagged along at some point. Oh, right, didn't they talk a little? Ah, who can remember? Definitely not him.

"Ey, Wei-xiong, you've been staring at the ground all day." Huiasang said, opening his fan in thought.

"Not just that, you've been acting weird ever since you got our invitations back. Just what happened last night?" Jiang Cheng huffed.

" Say, what do either of you know about BiLing Lake?" Wei Ying put a hand on his chin in thought as he walked side by side with them.

"BiLing Lake? It's just a lake as far as I know, why?" Huiasang pondered, fanning himself to cool down.

"Why are you asking something like that?" Jiang Cheng said.

" There's something in the lake." Wei Ying said, sitting down on a railing.

"Could you be any more vague?" Jiang Cheng expressed his disbelief with a scornful tone.

"Yesterday, when I was leaving the inn, I saw something under the water, at first it looked like an otter, and then a person. And then a saw a huge blue tail! And it was glowing under the moonlight, literally glowing!" Wei Ying exclaimed.

"Hm, and how many jars of wine did you have when you saw this." Jiang Cheng said mockingly.

"I was sober! Anyway, Nie-xiong, did anything weird happen recently?." He asked.

"Nope. Nothing" He answered.

"The only thing that was mildly interesting was Lan Wangji throwing up over his uncle's flowerbed."

"Huh? Who threw up?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Lan Wangji, the Second jade of Lan. He's Sect Leader Lan's younger brother. The reason you didn't see him at the gift-giving ceremony is that he was in the healers' den. He threw up and passed out. Apparently, he threw up so much and then passed out due to overwork. The healer said he's never seen anyone throw up more in his entire twenty-year career as a doctor." Huaisang whispered from behind his fan.

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