10. In Which Wangji Gets Spotted Loch Ness Monster Style

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Wangji was feeling a complicated blend of emotions, including a sense of victory as well as fatigue, following that interaction. Simply put, he was jaded.

He had half expected some occult-like gathering inside an obsidian cave with strange people wearing long black cloaks and standing in a rune circle.

During the following hour, the atmosphere resembled that of a family wedding, with guests engaging in lively conversations and enjoying drinks. Or rather, he felt like he was a child at a relative's wedding, and he had a strange desire to fall asleep across two chairs with a cloth napkin covering his face. As are the consequences of staying up past his bedtime.

He always found it a bit irksome that it was a rule to go to bed at nine exactly, and because of that he always had trouble staying up past that when he really needed to.

Especially considering the only reason he was hanging around was because he was trying to get some info.

However, it was unclear how he was supposed to obtain any relevant information if they were simply engaging in a leisurely conversation about pure and utter nonsense!

I don't care about how unruly your neighbour's chickens are, just say something important!! Wangji thought as his eyes were wide open in the state of owlish fatigue.

As the night wore on, he found himself growing more and more exhausted. Eventually, he simply couldn't take it any more and rose to his feet. At the same time, Li Choujiao let out a bizarre, drunken sound that sounded more like a chicken than anything Wangji had heard from him so far.

"Oh, good fellow, you're leaving already. You hardly touched your wine cup. And look at this, the bread's gone cold." A deep exhalation of irritation escaped him, causing his chest to heave in a somewhat amusing way.

The bread was cold to begin with, Wangji irksomely thought.

Wangji just looked between the door and the oh-so-drunk man, hoping he would get the message. even if he didn't, he would leave regardless.

"It is entirely up to you to decide whether to depart or not. As for me, I shall take pleasure in savouring the remaining bread and wine. Despite the potential for a less warm or refreshing experience than previously." He chuffed, while he drank another cup.

Wangji had to commend him as he walked out of the door. Despite his drunken state, he was still eloquent.

The cold January air filled Wangji's lungs as he took a deep breath in. Cold and frigid, he absolutely loved it, the only thing that would make it better if it was snowing ever so slightly.

But he really needed to get back, he had spent far too much time inside the tavern, he really should be back in Cloud Recesses

However, as he made his way back to the dock, he was absolutely mortified.

There wasn't a single boat available.

Wangji gave out a barely audible screech, as he walked up and down the dock for twenty minutes. Not a single boat.

How could this happen?! He needed to get back, now.

But how?

He could try to ride on his sword, but the chances of someone seeing him were too risky. even if they didn't recognize him, they would definitely recognize Bichen.

Are you a merman or not? his inner voice snapped.


Oh, right. That would work.

But he would have to be quick about it.

Carefully looking around, he waited an extra ten minutes until he couldn't see a single person in sight. Cautiously, he walked down a few stone steps that would have led to a waiting canopy boat, but today it was just a straight drop into the water.

Guardedly, he gently lowered himself into the water, making sure not to splash about too much.

Down, down, down he floated until, a bright flash.

His blue and green tail shone despite the lack of light, and he felt at one with the water.

Instantly, a group of small fish swam towards him and started curiously swimming around his tail. they gravitated towards him with a sort of wariness you would associate with lesser fish that attach themselves to sharks.

But now wasn't the time for lounging about with his more pre-evolved aquatic counterparts.

With a huge vacuum of sorts, Wangji shot off through the water like a torpedo as he effortlessly moved with the currants. He was far faster than any boat, as his razor-sharp dorsal fins cut through tough water vines like they were nothing but a thread.

He would be back in Caiyi Town in no time.

Wei Ying leisurely walked through CaiYi town, he held two bottles of wine in his grasp, the cool glass glinting in the moonlight.

After being denied entry into Cloud Recesses by the guard, he had to go all the way back to the inn and retrieve it.

Inside his head, he was endlessly cursing that damn Jin peacock, as he walked around for a few more minutes before he headed back.

He was fast and could easily make his way up the mountain on his sword, so he could spare a few minutes.

He didn't really get to enjoy CaiYi Town before, since they were frantically looking for another place to stay (damn that peacock).

The night was serene, with stars twinkling gently overhead. He breathed deeply, strolling aimlessly without a specific destination in mind.

Even though the air was chilled, the serene and gentle sound of the water flowing and the delightful fragrance in the atmosphere created a soothing and peaceful environment.

Wei Ying's eyes focused on the water as he watched it move about in the slight wind.

But his brows furrowed as he saw something odd in the water. At first, he thought it was a fish or maybe an otter, but it was far too big for that.

For a moment he thought it looked like a person, but the bottom half was weird. It was coloured weirdly as well. The upper portion appeared dark, while the lower portion was visibly lighter.

Without realizing it, he intently followed it as he walked alongside the edge of the water as the elusive creature led him further away from CaiYi Town.

He could have sworn he saw arms of some peculiar sort, but then it looked blurry again. The bottles of in his grasp clinked together gently as he was enraptured by this strange thing.

All of a sudden, it seemed to speed up and, Wei Ying sped up as well.

With an exasperated exhale, he watched as it slowly drifted away from the edge and toward the centre of the lake.

As he stood there, Wei Ying contemplated turning around and heading back up the mountain.

Suddenly a glint of light, he saw a huge blue and green tail emerge from the water and disappear just as quickly with a huge splash. He was rendered speechless and utterly shocked as his precious bottles of wine slipped from his grip and cascaded to the ground below, their glass bodies shattering into countless fragments upon the unforgiving rocky surface.

Just what was that?

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