vi. "comic con"

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Cecilia's P.O.V.:

When the doors of the big hall opened, we couldn't help but be amazed. All around us were people running excitedly back and forth. Children were tugging at their parents' jackets so they could finally see their idols and dust off fan merchandise.

"Guys, it's so great here!" exclaimed Anastasia, reaching out to squeeze my hand. She glanced around the large hall we were in and then her gaze swung to us again. "So, where do we go first?" she then asked.

"We have to stop by Emilia Clarke's! I need her to sign my card and write it on the t-shirt", Sebastian pulled out a grey t-shirt as he spoke and lifted it up joyfully. Felix nodded in agreement and now pulled out a t-shirt as well.

"Where did you stash these", I asked, irony resonating in my voice. The two boys just shrugged knowingly. Well, let them do what they wanted. They'd just keep babbling at Emilia until she hugged them and picnicked with them too.

"We can go with them to the Game Of Thrones cast and then we'll visit the Avengers together, does that suit everyone?" suggested Anastasia and we agreed. Together we tried to find our way around the hall and after getting lost twice, we finally found the right way.
Since we had bought overpriced tickets, we were allowed into a VIP queue that was a lot shorter than the other one.

Excitedly, Sebastian and my brother hopped from one foot to the other. "There she is!" shouted Felix, pointing his arm at the actress. A squeaking sound rang out from Sebastian and Anastasia and I grinned. The two of them were indeed acting like little children, but it was cute. It was probably no different for Anastasia and me when we met Scarlett, Elizabeth and the others.

The queue shortened faster and faster and at some point we were at the front with the boys. They quickly ran towards the Game Of Thrones cast. One by one they rattled off autographs until they stopped at Emilia Clarke.

"Hello there, what can I do for you?", smiling gently she looked at the two boys while they barely wiped the grin off their faces.

With shaky fingers, Sebastian and Felix pulled out their t-shirts and cards while Anastasia and I watched them. "Could you maybe...?" asked Felix and you could hear the nervousness coming out of his voice. Emilia nodded and took the items to sign them.

"Emilia, since the two boys are reluctant but the question is on the tip of their tongues, would you mind taking a picture with them?", I asked offhandedly and for the first time Emilia's gaze landed on me. The brief musing on her part did not escape me, but I tried to ignore it.

"Of course not, I'd love to!" she rose from her chair and strode out from the table. Being a little shorter than the two boys, she walked into their midst and smiled at us. I quickly pulled out my phone and opened the camera app.

"Sebastian, Felix. You need to get a little closer to Emilia so that you fit into the picture", Anastasia instructed and the two boys followed her words. To say that they had to smile was superfluous as they rivalled honey cake horses.

"Three, two, one. Cheese!", I shouted and immediately pressed the shutter several times so that the boys could decide on a perfect picture later. Quietly, the two murmured thanks and waved to Emilia before we left them.

"Oh my god, we were talking to Emilia Clarke and she touched our t-shirts", Sebastian exclaimed, unable to get over his crush on Emilia Clarke. They pulled the shirts over their heads and put them on.

"Cute, aren't they?", I whispered to Anastasia, who nodded with a laugh. But now it was time for the Marvel Cast. We would now finally meet these fantastic actors who made us laugh and cry!

"What do you think Scarlett will say?", Anastasia asked me as we walked to the Marvel booth. It was clear to me what she was alluding to, but maybe not to you. I bore a striking resemblance to Scarlett Johansson. My hair was just more brownish and not light blonde, although I realise that Scarlett's a bit dyed.
I also had slight curls at the ends of my hair. The ones you need a curling iron to.

"She'll probably be a bit shocked and then she won't care. At least I could make the best costplay, don't you think?", I said laughing and she playfully poked me in the side.
Compared to Scarlett, I was still just a cheap knock-off. I sighed in surrender, but then I spotted the Marvel cast sitting together at my long table.

"There they are!", Anastasia pointed to the row of tables. Joyfully, she looked at me.

"Get in line!", she quickly pushed past me and ran to the end of the line. She yelled for us to hurry up. Fortunately, it didn't take that long as we were in the VIP queue and got to the front quite quickly.

"Now it's your turn. You're going to meet your idols", said Felix, who had found his voice again and looked at us with a laugh. We nodded to each other and then set off. One by one we rattled off the actors and each of them looked stunned for a few seconds when they saw me.

But it was Elizabeth Olsen who first spoke to me. "You look like Scarlett", she whispered just loud enough for Anastasia and me to hear. Anastasia nodded excitedly. "Yes, that resemblance is strong! She could be Scarlett's stunt double or doppelgänger"

"What are your names?" asked Elizabeth, taking our autograph cards that Sebastian had stashed in his backpack for us.

"This is Anastasia and I'm Cecilia. The two boys behind us are Sebastian and my brother Felix", I introduced us and then smiled at them.

"Those are beautiful names", she replied and we thanked her. "Yes, our parents gave them to us", Anastasia giggled and winked at Elizabeth. Sebastian and Felix came a little more towards us and stood next to us.

"Lizzie, is everything okay?", Scarlett's voice rang out and suddenly all eyes were on us. I felt Felix reach for my hand and squeeze it reassuringly. I was getting nervous.


Here's another Chapter!

Please tell me what you think about it.

~ Aurela

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