i. "birth of angels"

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Scarlett's P.O.V.:

"Scarlett, you made it", I tiredly opened my eyes and searched for the source of the volume. The harsh hospital light shone directly in my face and I squinted my eyes briefly before opening them again. I groaned softly, coughed and turned my head to the side.

"Everything hurts", I whispered, raising my hand to wipe my face with it.
I caught sight of my sister, who had wrapped her arms around a cloth and was smiling brightly at me. Next to me I caught sight of a cot in which another cloth lay. Chris lay quietly asleep in an armchair next to the bed.

"Do you want to hold her once?", she asked me and I gulped. My gaze wandered back and forth between the wrapped body and my sister's face. They were indeed there at last. After nine months of pain, tears and mood swings, I had made it.

"Vanessa, I-", I started to speak but bit my lip unceremoniously. What if I dropped them? They were still so small and I didn't want to be responsible for hurting them.

With a furrowed brow, my sister looked at me.
"They are still your little princess and prince, you know that. Holding your own child in your arms is one of the most magical things in the world! You might regret it if you don't do it now"

I knew she was right. Slowly I lowered my head and let it fall exhausted on the pillow.
But what could I do? I couldn't take care of my little ones. No matter how much I would want to, they should grow up normally and not be in the limelight and under annoying paparazzi. Besides, I was still so young myself. There were so many things I could do wrong. Chris and I couldn't take care of them.

"Don't think about what will be in a few hours, Scarlett. Look at the here and now, in which your daughter and son have born healthy. They're healthy. That's worth a lot"

I cleared my throat and looked back up at Vanessa. Consequently, I slid up a little and opened my arms. My sister handed me her niece and took her nephew out of the cot. I nervously stroked my daughter's cheek and then looked at my son who was resting in my sister's arms.

"The little ones will have a good life. No matter how you'll both decide", she said encouragingly, looking into my son's eyes in love. "What will you name them?", she asked consequently.

"We wanted to name them Cecilia Noée and Felix Maxime", I whispered, brushing a few of her short strands of hair out of my daughter's face. Without further ado, my sister handed Felix over to me as well. With both children in my arms, I stared dejectedly around the room and my gaze landed on Chris. It would all end here and it hurt so terribly.

I don't know how long I sat there, but at some point there was a knock and my doctor and a social worker entered the room. "Miss Johansson," said the social worker and sat down in the empty chair next to my bed. "I am Lucien Craine and I'm responsible for you and your children", he said. Chris woke up.


Hi, this was the first chapter of my book. I know it was kind of short but the following chapters will be longer!
English isn't my first language, so I'm already sorry for any mistakes that you'll find.
If you liked it, please leave me a vote or a comment. I am also open to constructive criticism. :)

I don't think anyone will read this, but we'll see.

Stay healthy!

~ Aurela

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