Chapter 9(The wounded young man)

Start from the beginning

"It's a long story," Damien said with a sigh.

Annabella went even closer to him and put her hands on her cheeks, looking at him excitedly. "And I'm all ears."

Damien chuckled, glancing at her childish behaviour before shaking his head slightly. Soon he suspiciously blushed.

Annabella shot him a knowing look. 'Maybe it must be related to his girlfriend.'

Damien knew that he was blushing but he couldn't control it. "It-It's not what you think. I'm blushing because I feel embarrassed." He tried to explain with difficulty.

Annabella tilted her head, confused. "You're embarrassed? But why?"

Soon Damien found himself telling her the whole story that had happened. "And that jerk, that gay tried to kiss me! He freaking wanted to kiss me when I was unconscious! Can you believe it?"

"What did you do to him?" Annabella asked, curious.

The boy shrugged his shoulders. "I was weak. So I couldn't give him a good punch. I just pushed him away with all my might and locked the door before wearing clothes. Then I opened the window and jumped out, escaping there. I felt so weak, so I came here to lie down a bit.

"You were naked in front of him? It makes sense that he wanted to take advantage of you," Annabella concluded with a nod.

Damien: "..."

He looked at her in disbelief before exploding. "No way, I was shirtless. But DEFINITELY NOT NAKED!"

Annabella laughed at his aggrieved expression. He looked somehow adorable. She restrained herself from pinching his cheeks. 'Seems like the life-ruining devil is not that bad.'

Damien's gaze fell on her long, blue coat which somehow reminded him of his own coat. It was his favourite one but he sacrificed it for this silly girl!

"Is this yours?" Damien asked, pointing his finger at the blue coat.

Annabella looked down at the coat before shaking her head. 'No, it belongs to my secret lover.' She thought with a smile.

"No, actually. I don't know Whose coat is this."

"Oh," Damien nodded his head understandingly. 'Apparently, it's indeed my coat. Very well, very well.'

He was secretly delighted at the thought of her using his coat. Fortunately, his sacrifice didn't go wasted in the end. She was using it despite being a men's coat. Such a brave lady!

"Hey, wait a minute!" Annabella suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence between them. "You're wounded, right? Lemme take a look."

Before Damien could say anything, she hopped over to his back and lifted his shirt along the way to his neck, revealing his steady back which was covered with wounds and bruises.

A surprised gasp released through Annabella's lips. How could someone be this cruel to his own son? His own flesh and blood? Unbelievable!

Embarrassed, Damien quickly shook her hands before covering his back again.

"No need to look." His voice was firm and serious.

"Oh, come on," Annabella was frustrated. "Think of me as your elder sister, okay?"

"I don't have an elder sister."

"Then I'll be your elder sister from now on. Please let me treat you, will ya?" She pleaded with him with tears in her eyes. Her heart was aching at the sight of his beautiful back being damaged like a crashed Limo. What a pity! A handsome boy doesn't deserve such treatment from anyone!

"Hmm." Damien was forced to agree with her plea.

"Let's go." Annabella stood up from the ground, offering her hand to him. "Stand up, little brother."

Damien blinked his eyes. "What are you doing? Where are we going?"

Annabella rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I'm NOT kidnapping you or something. Do you think of me as a doctor to take medicine with me everywhere I go? No, right? Then let me kindly take you to my house to apply medicine on you or... Do you want me to take you to a hospital?" She went on and on breathlessly.

Damien firmly shook his head. "No hospitals. I hate them. I'll come to your house."

"That's great," Annabella beamed before helping him to stand up.

They stopped a cab and headed towards Annabella's house. Within a short time, they reached their destination.

Annabella reached out her hand to hold his waist in order to support him. Nevertheless, Damien felt ashamed because of her actions. He pulled her hand out of his waist.

"No need, I can walk. It's just a wound, nothing serious."

Annabella couldn't believe this guy. "It's just a wound, nothing serious. Blah, blah, blah!" She repeated angrily. "Are you stupid or something? Dude, you must sue your father for treating you like this."

"Agreeing to come here is my bad. I'm leaving." Damien stubbornly turned around to leave her house.

"This child." Annabella grabbed him by his wrist, preventing him from leaving. "Wait, wait. I won't tell anything anymore. Just stay here until I finish applying you some ointment."

'Aaah, I can't believe that I have to beg this little rascal for his own sake!'

The moment they stepped inside, a curious voice greeted them.

"Who's this boy?"

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