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Hi beautiful girl or handsome young man,

I'm your newbie author who presents you her very first novel on wattpad.
Those who want to know more about me...
I'm a highschooler, 17 yrs old, a random, stupid, clueless girl. (Just kidding.)

An Extra Thing:
I've started writing a book named 'The Villain's Puppet' through webnovel app and published first few chapters on wattpad. Check it out as well if you want to.

Warning: If you get addicted to that book, please don't blame me. You can read other chapters through webnovel because I can no longer publish that book on wattpad.

Enough of that book, let's talk about this one. Don't worry, I'm gonna publish all the chapters of 'The Unique Proposal: A teenager suddenly became my fiancé' on wattpad so that you don't have to worry about it.

However, I only continue this book If you are willing to support me by giving me votes and comments.

(I'm telling this to my silent readers)
Hey my dear silent readers,

Can you please tell me how do I know if you're reading my book or not when you don't express what you feel, ha?
Please give me votes and comments 'cause they are so precious to me.
A secret: I love active readers more than you! It's useless to be jealous! Be an active reader instead!

(Now I'm talking to my active readers)
Hi my dear active readers,

I have nothing much to say. I just want to give you a big thank you and tons of hugs and kisses!


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