Chapter 28: Dexters POV

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I was woken up by a huge blast. It startled me which made me jump straight off the stack of hay. The ground shook for at least 5 minutes before it slowly came to a stop. I had a feeling it probably had something to do with Blossom and the others, so I forced myself to wake up. "Get up Banana, we have to get a move on." She didn't answer. When I looked around the barn for her, she was nowhere to be found. Did Banana leave me here? Or worse, what if she was captured by the bad guys? I grabbed my jetpack and flew out of the barn half asleep. With any luck at all, Banana would be with my friends. I flew for a ways but my jetpack ran out of juice and I did not want to waste gas on it. I crept up a steep hill, which unfortunately I fell down a couple times, and I saw a massive building surrounded by an electric fence and huge boulders that looked to be half the size of a mountain. Well, this seemed harder then I thought. And what made me nervous was that a portion of the place looked like it had been blown to pieces. "Maybe this isn't the right place" I said to myself. "Oh but it is Dexter. Congratulations." I spun around and was face to face with Banana. "Banana!" I exclaimed, "thank god! I thought something bad might of happened to you! So how do we get in this place anyway?" She laughed and set her hand on my shoulder. "Dexter, i'll escort you right on in if that is what you wish."
"It is..." that seemed like sort of an odd think to say but I brushed it aside. We were walking down the hill, no cover or anything. I started to sweat. "Banana, shouldn't be be creeping down, oh I don't know, with cover just incase someone happens to wander out here?" She laughed again, and shook her head. "It's okay Dexter, I have got everything under control." I stared at her, baffled. The girl sure was brave as hell. She looked so intense, but relaxed at the same time. Her eyes seemed to glow with confidence. Really though, Bananas eyes were glowing. I could of sworn she had yellow eyes, not green. That's when it hit me. This was not really Banana. Something was wrong with her and I had to get away from her as fast as I could. I ran without an explanation. Banana called after me but I did not slow down at all. I felt something hard hit me in the back and I plummeted face first into the dirt. I looked up and saw a fist aimed right for my face. My reflexes are not that great. All sight faded away.

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