Chapter 21: Dexters POV

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I had slept through a part of the day at the hotel. My parents were not around, I thought they would of been worried about me by now. I was going to leave them a note but I decided against it. I rummaged through the closet and pulled out a cardboard box with my equipment in it. I could not carry everything, but some of my stuff was more handy then others. I pulled out the biggest, most important of my supplies, a jetpack. I made it when I was ten years old and it worked ever since. I took out some pens, duct tape, astronaut food, a mini flashlight, a hammer, and some rubber bands. I shoved it all into a pouch in my jetpack along with a milky way bar in the mini fridge. You can never get enough of those. I wanted to crash for a little while longer, it was warm in the room and I felt exhausted. I promised Blossom and the others I would be as fast as I could manage though. Maybe just for twenty minutes or so, a little power nap that could give me some energy back. I fell asleep easily. Unfortunately for me, I woke up at 11:30 pm. I could not believe it. I jumped out of bed and threw some clean clothes on quietly because my parents were asleep in the other bed. I threw on my jetpack and wrote them a note saying, "I will be back soon, love you. -Dex" I duct taped it to the wall and slipped out the door. Shit I was so late! My timing is quite awful and apparently I am a sound sleeper. I ran down the hallway and into the lobby. The night guard watched me quizzically as I passed but I tried ignore it, I had more important things to do. As soon as I got outside somebody yelled, "look out!" I did not have enough time to turn because something shoved me down onto the pavement. I moved my head to the side and there was splotches of blood where me head had landed. Shit, my nose. It felt terrible. "Ouch, need a tissue mate?" I glanced up but a car honked and I saw that a car was speeding towards me. I tried to jump up but I slipped and fell onto my back. She grabbed me. Whoever she was, the girl grabbed me and we were flying away from the parking lot. "Careful there! Goodness, I thought you were roadkill! If it weren't for my amazing reflexes..."
"Put me down!" I shouted angrily. She set me down in the front lawn of someones house and flashed a huge smile. "I am waiting!"
"A thank you!" She ran up and put her hand to her ear. I rolled my eyes. " are you anyway?"
"The name's Banana."

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