Chapter 15: Bricks POV

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I was wailing on this kid. How fucking dare he kiss Blossom. What the hell was he doing on top of her, a fucking freak like him? I could kill him right here, right now. I could hear Blossom screaming at me to stop but I couldn't. Dexter was balling. He was trying to punch me back but he could not land his fists on me. I was ready to fry this guy up for dinner. I was about to let the flames fly but I was shot off of him by a ball of white. What the hell was that? I got up, ready to pound anyone who came near me. Bell was standing next to Dexter. He eyes were lit up like a flashlight. Her hands were pointed at me and white balls swirled of light swirled around them. Blossom was knelt down by Dexter, shaking him. "Get away from him Blossom"
"Leave him alone!" She cried out. Butch slowly crept over to me, and he put his hand on my shoulder. "It's the fire dude, it is making you more angry then you should be. Stand down man." I wanted to strangle him. If he wasn't my brother I would of shook him off and finished the job. But I stopped. Buttercup knelt by Blossom, staring me down. I walked away. Butch was following me, but I wanted to be alone. I hated the fire that developed in me, Butch was right, it was turning me into a monster.

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