16; Hate At First.

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First Lieutenant Kari didn't tease him any further afterwards, detecting the truth behind the Sergeant's words. His expression slowly morphed into that serious, but guarded one. He didn't vocalize his answer right away; he thought it through first before he questioned. "Where's Rasheed?"


Kari nodded to himself, as if coming to terms with what he's going to do. "Let's head there first." He turned around and changed the direction, with now a new destination in mind like he suspected earlier.

In strides a bit faster than earlier, he reached the infirmary with Sergeant Mahmoud in tow to see for his own eyes just the extent of the entire ordeal-though he doubts it was that bad.

Turns out he was wrong, because just like Sergeant Mahmoud stated, the man truly had been beaten to pulp. He wasn't even conscious when he visited. Unable to help himself, Aadil Kari found himself strolling over to the doctor in charge with lips tugged into a deep frown, before he inquired after the brief exchange of pleasantries. "What's the extent of his injuries?"

The doctor sighed slightly, dropping his hand that held a clipboard to the side before he answered. "Luckily, he didn't sustain any injury internally. Yes, he would need a while to heal from the wounds and the sore muscles, but he had no broken bones whatsoever. Must've used a plank, a rod or something similar. My best guess is, she knew what she was doing and was aiming to inflict pain, but not cause any deep injury. It's a clean work, really." His gaze flicked in the direction of the patient that laid on the bed, his bare face sporting a few swells and bruises. "Amma yaji jiki kam gaskiya ba kadan ba. Wai barawo a hannun mata."

Aadil nodded slowly, letting the words sink in. "How long will it take him to recover completely?" He has a guess, but he would need it to be confirmed first though.

It didn't take the doctor even a second too give out his answer. "Four, five weeks at most."

That's about the same time Aadil estimated. Offering the doctor, a small smile, he struck his hand out for a small handshake as farewell. "Okay, thank you." With one last look casted in the direction of the now fallen soldier-though not literally, he gestured for Sergeant Mahmoud to follow him as they traipsed out together.

The minute they stepped foot out of the ward, he was quick to speak up. "Let's head to the investigation room." His voice gave little impression of what he could possibly be thinking about. Even the Sergeant couldn't tell if he was exactly upset about what happened or not. He's that unreadable. "I want to meet this woman myself." His voice trailed off when he said that.

The two made their way to the main building, where their respective offices were. On their way, their subordinates stopped by to salute, and when they met those superior to them, they did just that as well. It was the hierarchy of the army; respect is always acquainted to those superior no matter who.

It's the way it has always been, and the way it's going as well. If anyone has any complain, they swallow it down because that's what best for them.

"Before we reach there, I'd like to inform you as well that I've ran a quick check on what could've possibly be the reason for that to happen between them, but I couldn't find much." That came from Sergeant Mahmoud, as they took a turn down the lane leading to their office.

"What did you find?" He didn't want to hear the irrelevant option. Mahmoud seriously needs to start getting straight to the point; he wasn't sure if he can handle having to remind the man countless times the same thing.

He didn't get an answer exactly, as they reached the office. Just as Aadil extended his hand to push the door open, the man's answer came.

"He's her ex--"

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