Chapter 7

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It was late in the evening when the E-Mail came. It broke through all the protections that were placed on all of the Wakandan tech. They would have thought it to be some scam E-Mail that broke through the protections. That had happened when the other countries' technology had gotten more advanced. But no scam E-Mail had gotten through their servers since they were updated.

They would have thought it was that, but this one was sent to the King directly. The Royal family's tech was more heavily guarded than the rest of Wakanda's. The E-Mail had alarmed everyone who heard about it.

T'Challa was getting ready to sleep when a guard burst into his room. Like, he had the old shirt with sweatpants and had just gotten under the covers when she entered. The door had slammed open and light decided to shine directly in his eyes.

T'Challa groaned. This was his alone time. To wind down, to rest, to sleep. The last one he desperately wanted. He had spent the whole day sorting through files by hand. His Baba said he shouldn't always rely on technology to get the work done for him. And the day before he was instructed to copy papers by hand. He had to restart every time he messed up. At this point pens were going to become his nemesis.

This was all in preparation for when he became King. And everyday he trained for when he became King. All the physical training he could ever ask for. He would have to be a good, no, great protector, a great Black Panther for Wakanda.

"Ubukhula Bakho, uyafuneka kwigumbi letrone! (Your Highness, you are needed in the throne room!)" She exclaimed.

"Kulungile, maditshintshe kuqala, (Ok, let me change first,)" T'Challa sighed, moving slowly to pull the blankets off of himself.

"Hay! Ndithunyiwe ukuba ndizokulanda ngoko nangoko! (No! I was sent to fetch you immediately!)" She exclaimed yet again.

"Ok, ndiyeza. (Ok, I'm coming)" T'Challa said, climbing out of his bed. They walked out of his room and T'Challa went to shut the door, sending one more longing look towards his bed.

They moved quickly to the throne room. The guard had a very worried look on her face. T'Challa had tried to ask her what was wrong but she didn't answer him, her mouth was pressed into a thin line.

When they reached the throne room he saw his parents there. His Baba was sitting on his throne and his Mama was on the chair to his left. They were still dressed in their day clothes, unlike him with his shirt and sweatpants combo.

His Baba's hands were encased in his wife's hands, squeezing tightly. They were staring at a tablet that was on his Baba's lap like it caused them personal grief.

When T'Challa entered his Baba beckoned him over to sit to his right. The King had a worried look upon his face. Deep in his eyes T'Challa could see the slightest bit of fear. That put him on edge.
After he sat down his Baba placed the tablet into his hands and he looked at it. An E-Mail was blinking brightly up at him from the screen. An E-Mail from 'Unknown'

The E-Mail read:

Dear King T'Chaka,
I know all about your country sir. That it is the most technologically advanced place on the planet and has the most Vibranium in the world. I don't want to reveal you to the world, and I won't, if you help me. I also know how the Dora Milaje could easily get rid of me. So I have put up a failsafe. If I can't get back to that failsafe over a certain amount of time in will release information all about Wakanda to many major News Outlets. This could all be prevented by helping me, nothing malicious I promise you. But I just want you to hear me out.

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