Chapter 4

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I don't own any part of the MCU or anything that I reference.
The art is not mine! I found it on the internet and thought it was beautiful. I don't know the artist so if you do tell me please. Credit to them though!
Please don't copy to another site.

You could in fact hack an ATM. (I realize that someone can't hack an ATM without a malware card but in this universe you can. Just go with it ok.) It wasn't that hard, for Peter at least. He only took 15$, just enough to get some food and water.

He didn't travel that far from the library to get himself food. But he was very happy actually have food because he hadn't had any for a while and it felt nice to have his belly at least somewhat filled. He ate the food where he got it taking slow bites to not upset his stomach.

After he finished his food and drank a lot of water, because best not get dehydrated, Peter went back to the library. Wakanda would most likely send a few of their of their Dora Milaje to come and get him. He guessed that since they didn't ask where he was the traced the message back to where it came from. Peter had a feeling that he couldn't run even if he tried, they would most certainly find him.

He had around two hours until their estimated time of arrival, so Peter decided that he would take a nap. He was just so tired. Peter had thought it would be fine because he used to take small naps in that library when he was a kid. (Thinking back on that it probably wasn't really safe for him to do that.) But Peter didn't take into consideration that he looked homeless.

He was around 10 minutes into his blissfully dreamless sleep when he was woken up by a security guard. Then he was thrown out of the library. Not literally thrown like a tennis or baseball, which might have been kinda fun, but probably painful. Peter chalked that thought down to his sleepiness.

So he resulted to sitting on a free bench a little away from the library to wait for them to show up. Peter's internal clock estimated that it was around 5:00. It was only going to get colder outside.

No matter how happy Peter was to the coat he was wearing he really wished Karen was there. She would know what to do, her being able to turn on the heater helped too. When he got access to tech the first thing he would do would be to get Karen up and running again.

A gust of wind blew some loose snowflakes into Peter's face and he shivered again. He really wished he could be as warm as a regular person would be in this weather but noooo, he had to get bitten by a spider that made him pump blood slower.

Because of how his body worked Peter wondered if he could hibernate but never wanted to test it out. He really hoped that the Dora Milaje got there soon, he was going to freeze to death in this weather.


Peter was curled up into a ball with his legs up inside his coat to try and conserve his body heat when he saw them. If he were any other person he never would have noticed anything different about them but he had seen them before. He had fought with the them before.

The Dora Milaje were all dressed in leggings and baggy tops; probably to hide weapons. One of them was wearing a deep purple trench coat, another in a grey sweatshirt, and the last was wearing a black puffy winter coat that had fake fur on the hood. Truly if you didn't know what to look for you would never notice them.

They still drew a few stares though, Peter assumed because of their shaved heads. Which honestly there was nothing weird about that.

Very determinedly they moved towards the library. But Peter wasn't at the library he was over on a bench. Peter would have to move to them because they wouldn't find him in there. Plus the library wouldn't let him back in because they had already kicked him out, meanies.

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