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forgot how to write so this is pure flirting

~no pov

Harry and Draco fell asleep on the sofa together (which was weird because neither remembered going to the sofa), and woke up entangled in each other's arms. Draco woke up first, his natural body clock waking him up when the sun rose. He realised where he was, his memory slightly hazy, and pulled himself out of Potter's arms and went to the kitchen.

God his head hurt. He had hangover potions at home but he wanted coffee before Apparating. He couldn't function without coffee in the morning.

He sat in the kitchen sipping his black coffee, wishing the sun would turn off and the wind would stop winding. He wanted the entire world dark and silent, like his coffee.

Harry also had an early body clock, and stumbled into his kitchen to make coffee. He was used to waking up early because of the Dursleys and never grew out of the habit. He didn't even notice the other person in his kitchen because of how tired and hungover he was. He would kill for a hangover potion.

He turned to sit at his kitchen bar and jumped when he saw Draco Malfoy, half asleep drinking coffee. "Fuck, you're still here. Godric, give a guy a warning."

"Shut up, you're so loud."

"So are you." Harry sighed, sitting next to the blond and resting his head on the counter. "Don't suppose you have a potion for this shit?"

"I do, but Apparating without coffee would take me to Wales or something."

"Made yourself at home, did you?"

"I woke up in your arms, so I figured I could." 

Harry blushed. "You're not like the other one night stands."

Draco choked on his coffee. "Fuck off, Potter."

"Too scared to sleep with the Chosen One?"

"Everyone wants to sleep with the Chosen One. No one wants to sleep with a Death Eater." Draco groaned, his headache more important than thinking before speaking.

"I'd sleep with a Death Eater. Bellatrix was hot, psychotic but hot."

"I thought it couldn't get worse but then you said my fucking aunt was hot."

"Your mum's pretty too, and your dad isn't awful-looking." Harry teased. "Don't worry, I'd never sleep with your aunt. She killed my godfather."

"But you'd sleep with my parents."

"I'd sleep with their son."

Draco shot up, regretting it when the sun made his headache worse. "Will you shut off the goddamn sun?"

Harry laughed, ignoring the way Draco didn't say anything about his flirting. "It's not possible Malfoy. Unfortunately, though. I hate the sun as much as you do right now."

"Do some magic shit to get rid of it then."

Harry laughed again, closing the blinds, making the room dark enough for Malfoy to put his head down in relief. "Happy now?"

"You're still loud."

"I'm whispering."

"Be right back."

Draco Apparated to his house to get his hangover potions, stumbling across the bloody mess he left behind and groaned. He'd deal with that later. He picked up the scattered blade and pocketed it before Apparating back to Potter's house.

"Morning sunshine, bottoms up." 

Harry was ready to kiss the blond when he realised what he brought. He downed the potion immediately, regretting it when he realised it tasted worse than vodka. "Couldn't you make this taste like strawberries or something?"

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