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idk if i said where harry lives but ik i said draco refuses to go to the wizarding world so

pretend harry lives on like the border of the wizarding world in a muggle area thats filled with wizards?

its fanfiction guys let it slide

there isnt a separate world for muggles anyways i think idk 

~no pov

"I needed time." 

Draco knew where this was going, and he cursed himself for asking. Obviously Harry Potter needed time to grieve, to process things; he was the War's biggest victim.

Even though Potter would definitely not open up him about the war and how it affected him, Draco knew it was idiotic to bring it up. No one liked talking about the war, especially not Draco. So he cursed himself for putting Potter in that position.

"Fair enough." 

"What about you? You didn't mention anything about a job in the muggle world."

"It's difficult, as a former wizard, to get a job in the muggle world. We don't learn the same things they do. We're prepared for the Wizarding World, and the muggle world is rather different. But you would know that, wouldn't you?"

He nodded, frowning at the 'former wizard' part. "I guess. I don't visit the muggle world often, but I know how it works. I just figured, it's been so long, and you're resourceful, so maybe you would've made it work."

"It's not simple." Draco shrugged. "The formalities are hard to deal with. It took me far too long to find a place to stay in this world."

"You don't live in Malfoy Manor?"

"It's a crime scene, Potter." He stated like it wasn't that big of a deal. "I've been there once. After the trial, I went back, found a bag pre-charmed with extension, took everything I needed and left. My mother still lives there, though."

"Because of the house arrest?"

Draco nodded. He didn't like the fact that his mother couldn't leave the Manor. She was stuck there during Voldemort's hellish reign, and she couldn't leave then, and she couldn't leave now. 

"When did you last see her?"

"Seven years ago." 

"You don't visit her?"

He shook his head. "I've not been in the Wizarding World since I left. Probably never will. If I need something, it's delivered by Owl and that's it."

"What do you get?"

This felt strangely like an interrogation, but even so, Draco didn't stop answering. "Just potion ingredients."

"You can make potions without magic?" The Saviour was surprised despite Draco mentioning potions earlier. 

"It's only possible since I have magic, despite being unable to use it." Draco explained simply. "A muggle wouldn't be able to, because they lack magic completely. Does that make sense?"


"Fair enough, it makes no sense to me either."

"How do you buy muggle things if you only have magical money?" Potter asked. "And don't you have someone monitoring your purchases?"

"Yes." Draco didn't want to explain the loophole he found. "I found a way to convert it using potions. Sounds weird, but you just make a specific potion and pour it over the Galleons, Sickles, etc, and it'll change into muggle pounds."

"I forgot how smart you were." Potter smiled, and Draco couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, when you have as much time on your hands as I do.."

Draco could tell he kept shocking his former enemy, and he quite liked it. It felt good to have good attention from The Boy Who Lived, rather than the bad attention. He was still being observed, but it was because of curiosity, and not suspicion.

He liked that.

"Do you talk to your mum?"

"She used to send Owls, since I don't have one. But one of the house elves that were loyal to the Manor helped her form a letter saying she was losing it, to put it simply, and the letters ceased." Draco explained without any emotion. He didn't feel like showing what he believed was weakness to the Saviour.

"Is she alright?"

"I wouldn't know."

It was obvious that Potter was judging him, but Draco couldn't find the energy to care. Draco loved his mother infinitely, and wouldn't ever stop, but with the situations both Malfoys were placed in, it was hard to show that.

Besides, he grew up avoiding showing physical affection. It was unspoken that the two cared for each other, and space and time didn't change that. Even if they didn't talk, Draco and Narcissa still loved each other and would continue to do so until death.

That was Malfoy love. 

"Doesn't it... don't you get curious as to how she is?" He asked. "I mean, if my mum was alive, I'd check on her always. Even if I didn't have magic and she lived in a house with bad memories, I'd still visit her."

You don't get it.

"If needed, a house elf will update me." 

"That didn't answer my question."

Draco didn't feel like talking about that anymore. His mother was a sensitive subject, in fact, the Manor and his father were sensitive subjects too. He wasn't required to answer anything, so he didn't. 

Potter grew impatient; he never was good at waiting. "Are you giving me the silent treatment?"

"I'd rather not continue this conversation." 

The brunet seemed almost offended. "Let's talk about something else then. Like.. do you talk to any of your old friends? Do you have friends in the muggle world? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"You're nosy, Potter. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Yes. Do you?"

"I spend all my time in the muggle world, of course I have friends there." Draco stated like it was obvious. "I'm not a blood-supremacist asshole anymore, Potter. I talk to people, and yes I've made friends, but no, I don't have a girlfriend." 

"No luck in the romance department?"

"Oh I've had plenty of luck." The cocky side of Draco returned. "I choose not to date, Potter. I prefer to make a friend for the night and move on."

And that, Potter clearly did not expect. "One night stands, hm? I'm surprised, Malfoy. I figured you'd be the type to get to know a girl first and then take them to bed."

Draco couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, where'd you get that crazy idea from. I'm not relationship material. I'm not getting-to-know-someone material either."

"You continue to surprise me more and more, Malfoy."

"Well, you too, Potter." He smiled. "What about you? You've definitely got girls, probably guys as well, lining up to date you, Mr Saviour."

"I do, but I don't date them either. Like I said, I need time. But it doesn't mean I don't make friends for the night and move on later." The brunet winked, quoting the blond's words.

"Now you seem like the type to wait for something real. I can't believe it."

"Seems like we're both bad at reading each other."

A comfortable silence coated the room, and Draco stood up to wash his cup like it was his own home. And Potter liked that. He liked how domestic their friendship was. 

And so did Draco.

Because yet again, this felt like home.

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