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i cba to wash my hair rn im gna wash it in the morning cuz why is hair washing literal torture 

~no pov

The park trip was mostly silent, at least for the parents. The kids were having the time of their lives, which only put more pressure onto their parents.



Draco eyed the Golden Boy before signalling to continue. 

"Look, if our kids are getting along well, we're going to have to as well." Potter sighed. "It's not fair on them if we're still fighting- if we're still mistrusting of each other."

"I don't recall saying I didn't trust you."

Potter didn't reply to that, seemingly unaware on how to do so. Despite not seeing each other for over seven years, the tension was still as thick as it was before. And time didn't do much to help with that.

"I'm not saying we should start over, because we can't. You and me- we have too much history." Potter began. "But we should try to fix that, and move on. For the sake of the kids." 

Draco couldn't help but laugh bitterly. "I have no problem with you, Potter. Never did. Well, not for good reason. I can happily move on and be civil with you for the sake of my son, but the question is, can you?"

The brunet swallowed uncomfortably. He wasn't sure if he could. Yes, he saved the man, but it was because of his overwhelming hero complex. He still had unresolved issues with the ex-Death Eater, which was justified.

He wasn't sure if he could get over everything the blond did; whether it was teasing his genius best friend, or taunting him constantly, or being the reason why Death Eaters infiltrated his only safe space. 

learn his side of the story. then decide whether or not if he's unforgiveable.

"Give me reasons why I should."

Draco had to think about that. His self-worth was practically nonexistent and he was bordering suicidal again, so that was hard. He couldn't think of a reason why he should be forgiven, reasons why he should be trusted. 

"I've changed." Was his weak response. "I'm not- I don't hate muggles anymore, or anything. I've overcome that. I've grown as a person, and I'm no longer a narcissistic Slytherin kid with a superiority complex. I have a kid who's going to be completely different to me as a child."

As he listed all these reasons, he felt more and more fed up with himself. He didn't believe he deserved forgiveness, and scrambling to find empty reasons why he should only made him feel sick. 

For Scorpius. Do it for Scorpius.

He genuinely didn't believe he deserved the Saviour's forgiveness, but he decided to try for it anyways. It wouldn't hurt him, as long as no one found out Harry Potter befriended Draco Malfoy. He'd probably be accused of brainwashing the Wizarding World's Glorious Saviour.

"Prove it to me."

"I don't know how you expect me to do that Potter."

"Come over to my house, for the kids of course, and if I see a reason why I shouldn't trust you, then I can't have Scorpius around Teddy. But if not, their friendship can continue, and maybe we'll find one between us."

Draco half-smiled and extended his hand. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"Potter, Harry Potter." The man responded with the same tone.

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