13~Changed Decision

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"Amma, relax," she said and rushed to the kitchen pouring a glass of water and came back to her giving it to her. Ishita drank with a shivering hand and sighed, Mary took the glass from her and placed it aside and sat beside her. "Amma, you don't need to panic, please. What do you think? Raman sir would take away Ishan and Ishan would agree to stay with him? He won't because to him, you are both his father and mother. And amma, if you are his mother, so then even he is a father, in your perspective if not to Ishan, then to Ruhi, Adi and Pihu, he also won't separate a mother from her child, isn’t he also a human being?" Mary asked and Ishita creased her eyebrows.

"Him? A human being? A person who can break a woman's heart uncountable times is only a demon for me. If I wouldn't have been there, he wouldn't have ever gotten Ruhi, Adi, even Pihu, yet he taunted me of being an infertile even after knowing that it's like putting a hand on the sore spot of the heart Mary, how could you side with him? I am your mother but you're not at all connected to him, no one can claim rights on you as well," she said emotionally, Mary got tears in her eyes and looked down.

"Amma, what have you said today? What do you mean by this?" she asked and Ishita held her chin making her look at him. "That I am your guardian as well as your mother, if he comes back in our life, he would spoil our family, our trio, just imagine that if he comes back what may happen? We won't be happily ever after, it would be a happily never after, my child Ishan would suffer knowing what I hid from him, he would be hurt, he would take whole life to adjust. Damage is done to me, I can't let it be done to you or Ishan, I don't want you to feel left out, you understand? You do?" Ishita asked with tears streaming down her cheeks. Mary nodded.

Ishita wiped her tears. "You know I would have thought to run away instantly, but... Ishan's mid session is going on, his studies would get disturbed, I don't want that to happen, plus the worst is that Pihu and Ishan both are in same school, like this Raman would keep meeting Ishan and would figure out about it," she said. "Now all your children know about you, amma, why not convince Ruhi that she herself would drop Pihu to school daily? That ways Raman won't come, and then you don't need to stress, that ways they won't meet," Mary said.

"Good idea Mary, but till when? Will I really be able to always stop Raman from figuring out the truth?" she asked. "Amma, what to say? You'd be upset," Mary said and Ishita shook her head. "Go on," Ishita assured. "I think he's repenting for his mistakes, he's trying to be the best version of himself," Mary said. "Don't fall in this honey trap, even I fell and I got hurt this badly," Ishita said even after feeling that she's true to some point. "Amma, not everyone gets true love, he knows you won't ever go to him, still he keeps waiting for you, this is true love, give yourself some time to think of giving him a chance, you may not need him, Ishan does, the place of father is empty in his life. If not today, then tomorrow or maybe someday he may ask about his father," Mary said.

"I have the whole family album, the marriage album where there are everyone's photos, you know that," Ishita said. "I know people change, memories don't. But, the bad Raman sir, the demon inside him, it's long dead, he won't ever let it revive, at least I feel so amma. He lost you, then Ishan, then his parents, recently only he got his children back, before that how much loneliness he suffered, I know you also suffered, but every coin has two sides as well as the story," Mary said.

Ishita thought for a while. "Even after wanting to forget him, you won't ever be able to forget him, because you have his biggest symbol, Ishan, who would always remind you of him, and even he won't be able to forget, he has all your symbols, Ruhi, Adi, most importantly Pihu, all are your reflections," Mary continued. Ishita looked on.

"Deep down your heart, didn't you want his child from your womb? Didn't you want to spend life with him? A life full of joy, love, happiness, everything," Mary said and Ishita shrugged. "I don't know what to do anymore, my heart says to tell everything to Raman, but my self respect stops me Mary, my mind repeats those words again and again," she said. "In all these years, you always listened to your mind. Listen to your heart for once, try telling him, if he really loves you, he would let you keep him forever and won't force you to come back, he would see his happiness in your happiness, but if he doesn’t do that, he wasn't ever worthy of you or your love," Mary said, Ishita nodded. They shared a hug.

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