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Ruhi and Raman returned home. After that encounter, Ishita made sure to never meet them even anonymously. The father daughter duo tried many times but to no avail. Now Ishita had taken up a job in Dr. Batra's clinic, as she wore a burqa and spectacles, no one recognized her. She had enrolled Ishan in an aftercare class and extra curriculum activities. Mary, the nun and Ishita's adopted daughter, spent most of her time in the convent. So she usually picked the duo together after she was done with her job. Currently Ishan was still in school and after that he would leave for aftercare and his extra curriculum activities. At Ishan's school, Ishan was completing the class work. A student came and sat beside him. "Ishan, see I can't find the answer to this, its too tough, can you help?" he asked and immediately Ishan kept his notebook aside and took his notebook and read the question and turned his head to look at him and smiled. "Relax, its very easy, and why do you have to copy paste from the textbook? My mother always says to not copy paste anything and to always use own wordings, I will tell how to do it," he said and explained the answer, the student got impressed immediately.

"Wow Ishan, you're a genius, by the way, who's your mom?" he asked

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"Wow Ishan, you're a genius, by the way, who's your mom?" he asked. Ishan smiled. "Doctor Mathangi Iyer," he said with pride. "Oh wow, okay so I am going, thanks for your time," he said and went and Ishan continued with his work. The teacher came to him, Ishan sensed her presence and stood up in respect. The teacher smiled. "Sit down," she said and he sat down waiting for her to say what she wanted to. "Ishan, I just wanted to say, you're a really brilliant child, always helpful, and very well-mannered too, you always stand up before teachers, be like this always," she said praising him.

He smiled

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He smiled. "Thank you ma'am, all credit goes to my mom," he said and she smiled. "You said your mom is doctor Mathangi Iyer, right?" she asked. "Yes ma'am," he replied. "The dentist, right?" she asked and he nodded. "Now I know from where does your manners come from, good boy," she said and walked away. He continued doing his work. The doorbell rung and everyone packed their bags and rushed out along with Ishan. Pihu was talking to her classmate. "You know Ishan Iyer? He's such a brilliant student, he's our junior and my brother is in same class as him," she told Pihu. "Really?" Pihu asked. "Yes, and you know what? He's good in every field, be it sports, be it studies, I wish I was also the same as him, I don't feel jealous but I just want to be like him, for the first time a senior is inspired by a junior," she said, Pihu got thinking. I feel connected to this boy Ishan who she's talking about. Pihu thought.

IshRa Ff: Too Late For Tears (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now