Many sequels have surpassed their originals- Chp 2

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*4 days later*

Horror con! Finally! I was so excited! I was going with a couple friends as well. Jacob and Holly. They're both big fans of the walking dead and there will be some actors there from that. Months ago I had paid to meet Tom Payne and Chandler Riggs, Skeet Ulrich, and Matthew Lillard but since I had met Timothy Olyphant lately, I payed to go meet him.
I decided to go see him while Jacob and Holly had gone to meet Khary Payton. I put my hood up hoping he wouldn't see me when getting in the line of a couple people. Once they were done I walked over and pulled my hood down. Tim looked shocked.
"Why hello there," I laughed.
"What are you doing here?" Tim asked.
"Urrr... horror fan. I told you I love Scream. I also really love the walking dead," I smiled.
"If I knew you were here I would try to get to talk to you without you having to pay to meet me," Tim shook his head.
"Listen! You got my book recently which is supporting me and now I'm paying for an autograph from you which supports you," I pointed out.
"There's a bit of a price difference," He laughed.
"You're just going to have to accept it," I smiled.
"Okay," He nodded, "First of all do you want a hug?"
"Ye. We've known each other long enough to get into the hugging stage," I held out my arms.
We both hugged and it was really nice. It felt nice.
When we pulled away Tim assumed, "I'm guessing you are going to want one of Mickey and not Joel considering you haven't watched Santa Clarita Diet. Unless you binge watched it the last few days?"
"No," I shook my head, "I have not binge watched it."
"Good. Cause that would make you a crazy fan girl for me," Tim laughed and I laughed along.
He signed a picture of Mickey from Scream.
He wrote, "It's bullshit generalisation. Many sequels have surpassed their originals."
"Oh ye! Name one," I responded to what he wrote.
"The godfather. Part two," Tim stood up properly after leaning over the picture and looked at me.
I just smiled, "To be fair though, i do agree with Randy. By definition alone, they are inferior films."
"Ye I agree too," Tim grinned and handed me the photo.
"I'll see you at your panel," I smiled as I walked away.
"Oh no. You paid for that too," Tim looked at me.
"Yep!" I nodded as I walked backwards.
"I'm giving you your money back!" Tim yelled seen as I was far away.
"No you're not!" I yelled back.

A little later on after meeting all the other actors I had paid to meet, I went to the scream panel. I managed to convince my friends to come with me but I payed for there tickets. We sat in our seats and after a while they let all the cast members on stage. There was Skeet Ulrich, Matthew Lillard, David Arquette and Timothy Olyphant. It wasn't a huge horror con so instead of having an actual theatre venue it was a big room with a little stage and some chairs got the audience. All the cast members sat down in there respective chairs in the order above. Tim saw me and gave me a little wave with his fingers like he did at the Starbucks and once again I waved back with my full hand and smiled.
"Did he just wave at you?" Holly asked me.
"Mhm," I nodded, "I may have met him nearly a week ago and now we are friends."
"Sorry what?" Jacob looked at me.
"You heard me," I continued to nod.
Through the panel I really wanted to ask a question to the cast but 1) I didn't know what to ask and 2) I was so fucking nervous even though I have already met three of them and one of them three is one of my friends. At one point Jacob put his hand up to ask a question and they handed him the microphone. I was so fucking nervous. I had no clue what he was going to ask.
"Hi! I'm Jacob. I was actually dragged here by my friend Y/N. She's an author and has strong opinions on movie adaptations of books, which I'm sure you already know Tim," Jacob started.
Tim laughed and I felt so fucking embraced. Tim looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.
Then Jacob continued, "So I wanted to know, if you could help to adapt a book into a movie or a TV show, what would you pick?"
Tim lifted his microphone up immediately and answered, "I'd pick Ivy and Daxton. I'm around 4 hundred pages in and I love it. I really do Y/N. Its great."
"What's it about?" Skeet asked while looking over to me.
Jacob handed me the microphone and I responded very nervously, "Its about a girl named Ivy who's on the run from what I called Lurkers. She meets Daxton and they have a strong friendship until it turns into a love story in a zombie apocalypse. I started to work on it when I was fourteen."
"Well that sounds great," Matthew smiled.
"Okay. We're going to move onto the next question," The host of the panel announced.
"I cant believe you just did that," Holly looked at Jacob.

Once the panel was over, a security man came over to us.
"Excuse me. Can you come with me please?" He asked politely.
We all nodded. I was nervous. Were we getting kicked out? They directed us behind the stage and into a room. Where Tim and Skeet were at.
"Hey," Tim grinned.
"I thought we were getting kicked out," Holly sighed in relief.
"No," Skeet shook his head.
"I wanted to see you," Tim walked over and hugged me and I hugged back, "How do you feel after that?"
"I was nervous as fuck when Jacob decided to ask that question with that added part," I answered.
"Well, Skeet, Matt and David like the sound of your book," Tim told me.
"Really?" I looked over to Skeet.
"Ye," He nodded, "Where can I find a copy?"
"I can send you one," I suggested.
"No. I'll buy one. Support and all that shit," He stopped me.
"What is it with you guys and support?" I asked.
"Its cause we are actors so we like to support other small creative people," Tim explained.
"Y/N. We have to go. We have the Melissa McBride photo booth to get to," Holly told me.
"Okay," I nodded, "I'll text you later."
"Ye," Tim nodded.
I gave him another hug and then me and my friends left the room.

Tim's POV
"So? When are you going to ask her out?" Skeet asked.
"Huh?" I faced him.
"When are you going to ask her on a date?" Skeet rephrased like I didn't know what he meant. I did know what he meant.
"I don't think she's going to want to date me," I shook my head.
"Its so obvious that you like each other," Skeet leaned on a table.
"We met under the circumstances that she was being harassed by someone. I don't want to be to forward and freak her out," I responded.
"That's fair," Skeet agreed, "But take my word for it. She likes you."

After taking a photo with Mellisa McBride, Jacob and Holly had to leave. I already knew this was going to happen. I wanted to stick around for longer and look at all the shop stands. I brought myself a scream mask and Negan's bat from the walking dead. God this day was amazing. I left out the building and was going to walk home. It wasn't to far. Only like 40 minutes away, but I know my way back.
"Hey Y/N!" I heard a voice behind me and turned round to see it was Timothy coming out the venue.
"Hey!" I grinned.
"Where are your friends? Did they leave you?" He asked.
"No! They had to leave an hour early. I already knew I was going to walk home," I answered.
"I can give you a lift," Tim offered.
"Really?" I asked.
"Ye," He nodded.
"Thank you," I thanked him as we walked over to his car.
We both got in a started to drive. I looked through the driving mirror and saw my book in the backseat.
"Why do you have my book in the backseat of your car?" I asked.
"I was reading a little before horror con," Tim answered.
"What part are you at?" I asked.
"Ivy finding out that her heart is the cure and she needs to be killed to clone the hearts to make a cure," Tim told me.
"You're doing well," I nodded.
"I really do like it. I'm not just saying that because we are friends," Tim made sure I knew, "It really is a masterpiece of a book."
"Seriously. You are so sweet," I smiled emotionally.
After some more driving, Tim dropped me off in front of my apartment block.
"This is me," I smiled, "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Tim smiled back, "I doubt you will need walking inside."
"I might. Maybe there's some Lurkers up there," I joked.
Tim laughed, we hugged, said bye, I got out the car and Tim watched me walk up the stairs into the block before driving off.

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