Put it behind

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"..... Lamar?..." Jago said opening the front door.

Lamar walked past Jago and into the house. He saw his mother sitting on the sofa half asleep. He handed her his cell phone. She held it and saw Keegan looking back at her on FaceTime.

"There you are

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"There you are.. why didn't you call me back last night C?.."

"I'm sorry, I was so tired and the medication the doctors got me taking just had me out like a light..."

"Don't fucking worry me like that!.." he said. "You know I don't like you being there without me right now...

"Umm excuse me.. what do you think was happening when you were in Canada for three months... You know, I am fine looking after myself...

"Yeah.. that was until Nash started acting like a lil bitch...." He said. " And he is on some fucked up crazy shit with the Italians now... which means I have to make sure that all of you are covered. I'm even contemplating coming back to LA until you're ready to leave with me.." he added.

"Keagan, you can't do that, you are a busy man, you don't have to come back... I will be fine here, I've got all of the kids and my soldiers... Plus I have Lena and Jenson if I absolutely need them, which I won't" she told him.

"I miss you.. you need to hurry up and get better and get yo ass out here.." he said.

She raised a smile for him but she could feel herself choking up. Her stomach churned and she hated herself so much. She had never felt guilt on this level before.

"JAGO!." Keegan yelled.
Jago took the phone from Charisma and held it so that he could see him on FaceTime.
Keegan shook his head. "You are skating on thin ice motherfucker, I told you 15 fucking minutes... Then you, both go radio silent on me... that shit never happens again, do you understand me?... WELL!.."

"Yeah.. I hear you..."

Charisma looked at the floor and rubbed her forehead. Jago looked at her, he knew something wasn't right with her, because he had asked her to call him as soon as he got back with their takeout.


Dinah and Arlen walked into Keegan's trap. Wesley looked at them.
"Better late then never..." he handed some paperwork to Arlen. "yo Dad has asked that you take care of business in Idaho.. and you need to leave today.. you'll be taking some of the soldiers with you... Charlene will have further details for you once you arrive.." he then looked at Dinah. "I've got a different job for you..."

"Oh yeah

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"Oh yeah.. what does the boss man want from me this time?" She smiled.

"He wants you to go to LA... he is worried about charisma, and he thinks that something isn't right... he wants you to go over and see if you can find out what's going on... she likes you...
She might talk to you..."

"is there anything in particular that I'm looking for when I talk to her?.." she shook her head. "He knows this is not my bag.... I'm not a baby sitter.. not that she needs babysitting, but you know what I mean... if I start probing she's prolly gonna fuck my ass up!.."

"Get yo head outta yo ass... Leora will still be here when you get back... I
Wouldn't normally ask you to do this, but I need to know what's going on back home... I am not stupid and I won't be treated like I am... You are one of my main soldiers, I expect you to do as I ask and go find out what's up and get me results..." Keegan said as he stepped into the room from his office. "is that understood?"

Dinah nodded, she could tell Keegan was keyed up.


"... hello....
Lena said as she popped her head around the door before she walked into the lounge. She smiled and headed over to the couch where she sat next to her sister.
"Jago let me in... I heard you were home, so I wanted to come and make sure that you're okay and to see if you need anything?.."

"I'm okay.." she said.

"Okay, well how about I stay with you this afternoon and we watch a cheesy chick flick or something?

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"Okay, well how about I stay with you this afternoon and we watch a cheesy chick flick or something?." She said.

Charisma smiled. "I think I would like that..

"Good.. Jago can go and do some proper work for you, and we can just have a girly afternoon... I would rather not be at home right now because Skye has taken over my house, the whole of the lounge and dining room are completely covered in brand-new baby things... As far as the eye could see..

"She's pregnant?.." Charisma asked, happy to hear this news.

"Yeah.. she and Leyland have been trying for a while... Jensen puts his fingers in his ears when he hears her start talking about the sexy thing..."
Charisma laughed.
Lena smiled. "She really doesn't understand that her father doesn't need to hear her in-depth conversations relating to when the egg is ready to be fertilised is when they need to do the sexy thing... it literally has him clawing at his skin to even think about it" she laughed.

Lena got comfortable. "Nash is acting crazy... he's got himself involved with the Italians... Jensen can't believe that he's doing all this...

"Maybe he's undercover, maybe he'll overturn them...

"No, I think he's actually lost the plot this time..."

"I think you underestimate him, he is not as bad as all of you like to think he is...

Lena looked at her. "Hmm are you on side with him?... and would that be after you and him did a bit more than fall asleep in your bed that night..." she said to her and raised her eyebrows. "You see I have known Nash for a very long time, and for him to act the way that he is, usually coincides with something happening that is out of his control, or something that he feels responsible and guilty for... So he goes on some kind of save all mission or he goes into self-destruct mode..." she paused. "Am I hot or cold?."

Charisma sighed. "I remembered.. as soon as my memories came back.. it was as if it cleared my mind of the fog... I had these flashbacks, heavy breathing, moaning... then I could remember him touching me.. and disappearing under the sheets.. the room was spinning and I was so drunk... I could barely raise my arms to push him off... I let him do it Lena... I should never have let him come in or even get that far... I can't be with Keegan now... how can I do that to him...

"Now you listen to me, that man, my husband's son... has done his fair share of dirt on you.. over and over... the only thing that you are guilty of was letting Nash in... Everything that he was doing was on him, because he was obviously not as drunk and out of it as you were....

"But I didn't stop him..." she said. "Maybe subconsciously.. I wanted him too.."

"Charisma.. nothing has changed, Nash was the one that was in the wrong... So you have to make a decision, either you tell Keegan what you remember which is gonna send him off and isn't gonna help him... or you just put it behind you and we never mention it again... I'll leave that decision up to you.."

Charisma knew that she had allowed herself to get into foreplay with Nash, although she was drunk, she let him and that was what was killing her inside.....

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