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She did it. Hanabi did it. Hanabi saved Hayabusa and Kagura from that despicable monster. She finally proved them that she is more than capable of killing Hanzo, she finally proved herself being a worthy opponent specifically to Hayabusa, her former rival now crush. Hayabusa will praise her. He will finally notice her. Hanabi rushed to the place where she know the two at. Hayabusa will finally see how better she is than his stupid childhood friend. The thought makes Hanabi's heart is pounding so fast.

But...what is this? Why isnt Hayabusa looking at her? Why is his attention still on that basic bitch? Under the sakura trees, Hayabusa and Kagura shares a hug. Not only that, Hayabusa leans his forehead agains Kagura's asking if she is injured anywhere and the girl just giggles, hugging Hayabusa closer.  It was not that bitch who saved him, it was her. Hanabi. But why is his attention all on Kagura? The place is too peacefull, too quiet that Hanabi could hear their every conversation.

"Hanabi wouldn't like this. Somehow she hates me so much for being with you. "

The girl said, pouting.

"She's just delusional. She said she liked me the other day. I didnt feel the same. We spent a lot of time together because of the Grandmaster's request but everytime I was with her, all I could think of is you and how I want to be here with you so badly. "

Hayabusa then giggles as if he was saying something funny. And that bitch hit his arm and joined in the laughter.

Is this some sort of twisted prank? Or did they actually certain she wont show up here after she had just rescued both of them. Is it the truth? Is that how Hayabusa sees her? As a nuisance to his relationship with Kagura?

Her heart breaks. It shattered into pieces as if it had been shot. Tears flowing down her face non stop and she could only grasp the front of her uniform where her heart is. She doesn't want to see this. She hates this sight. Her heart hurts and her eyes are blurry because of the overflowing tears. Hayabusa then finally notices her and tried to call out her name. She doesn't want to see him or his umbrella bitch but before she could turn to run away, a man blowed dust on her face that triggered her to blacked out.

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