Mira struggled to break free from his grasp. "Let go."

She threatened, but the boy refused to let go. They had a full on staring contest, non of them daring to look away.

The brunette huffed in anger and placed the cigarette back between her lips. She broke eye-contact and looked at the view.

Rin pulled her by the wrist again. She faced him with a scoff, but her eyes widen when he took the (Cancer stick) from her, his fingers barely touching her bottom lip.

To her shock he placed the cigarette between his lips and inhaled the intoxicating air. With a deep exhale he let the smoke exit his mouth.

Surprisingly he didn't choke.

The boy then threw it from the roof making her gasp. "I was gonna finish that."

She said with a scoff as he chuckled.

"Don't even think about changing the subject, you can't. Just spill everything and be done with it. Then I'll let you go." Rin said making her sigh.

Mira looked up at him with puppy eyes, as if she was trying to seduce him. She leaned in towards his neck when he squeezed her wrist tigher.

"Ow ow ow."

"That won't work either."

She winced and gave up on that idea. "Alrigh fine, I'll tell you. Just let me go."

"Can't, you're gonna run away."

The brunette groaned in annoyance. The grip on her wrist was starting to hurt. "Rin just let go, It fucking hurts." She said still struggling to break free.

"Start talking."

He said but then noticed her expression turning into a distressed one. The boy finally released his grip and instantly regretted his decision.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?"

"Fuck you."

Mira spat and got up to leave. Rin chased after her trying to apologize but she wouldn't even listen to him. She went back to her dorm and entered the bathroom.

Her lips turned into a smirk as she washed off the make-up from her wrist. That's right, his grip wasn't even that tight. All she needed to do was convince Rin that it did infact hurt.

She also knew he would try to grab her wrist. Which is why her plan worked out perfectly. I'm a fucking genius.

Rin felt guilty.

The guilt was practically eating him up. He hadn't even noticed his tight grip on the girl and he ended up hurting her by accident.

He closed his eyes in exhaustion while laying on his bed. There was suddenly a knock on his door.

"Rin? Do you want something to eat?"

Isagi's voice said from the other side as the emo boy groaned in annoyance. His roommates was like his mother, only more consistent and annoying.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't bother me." He replied waiting for Isagi to leave, but he opened the door instead and peeked in.

Rin looked up in irritation and glared at him. "You seem off?"

"The hell's your problem? Just leave me be, you lukewarm moron."

There was a silence for a few seconds till the blue haired boy asked. "Is this about Mira?"

The emo boy's ears perked up at the mention of her name. No more like they started burning. He recalled their interaction on the roof and how bold he got.

I seriously smoked her cigarette...
And had an indirect kiss with her!?!!?!

"Are you blushing?"

Isagi asked holding back his giggle as Rin snapped out of his thoughts. He threw a pillow at his roommate while yelling.

"Get the hell out!!!"

Isagi endes up laughing while returning to his dorm, while he fell back down on his bed and sighed. He seriously missed her touch and her smile. He was also kinda sad to see her hair short.

I miss you...

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