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Closing notes regarding the aftermath of Case #8: Eros/Asmodeus' descent, spanning four months, as requested:

Popular as ever, a second term for Mayor Karen Chamberlain peers above the horizon after opting against private security at the Gemini. She remains committed to her goal of achieving a society defined by justice and equality. Behind the confident mask, weariness and fatigue weigh heavily upon this energetic personality. High above the tallest skyscrapers, mostly invisible to the city below, the sense of detachment and isolation surges. Without Eros/Asmodeus and Valerie Slovurn's support, Mayor Chamberlain feels burdened and alone according to celebrated reporter, Mr Ajay Chatterjee.

Valerie Slovurn earned a bittersweet future. Despite years working her way through the ranks then loyally providing leadership to the MMPD under tempestuous circumstances, the senior captain retired under a cloud of controversy and disgrace as a result of the "sinkhole cover-up". She has left Mirrormeander in favour of a small town, deep in the countryside, where she intends to establish an academy dedicated to training rural officers someday.

The fortress has receded, steps toward a consistent personal hygiene routine have taken shape and the outdoors have been embraced once again. With the Internet collapsing further into disorganization, Kelvin Shellman travels to Mirrormeander University and occasionally meets up with like-minded friends to play video games and engage in nerdy debates. The void left by researching crime on behalf of Tristan Travis has slowly been filled but the two friends remain close as ever. Aside from his fixation proving relentless, it can safely be said that Kelvin is doing well.

Morris Cane vainly schemes coups d'état inside a dark cell beneath Lake Lustre's depths. His attempts at seizing bargaining power and subsequently revealing the identity of Eros/Asmodeus failed spectacularly, earning only ridicule. Armed with mysterious powers enabling him to challenge a guardian, perhaps Cane may rise and threaten chaos again...

Having established that major figures once surrounding Tristan Travis are thriving and moving forward, he has been provided stability to great effect. Tristan reunited with his biological mother, Deidre Travis, and studies at Mirrormeander University to become a social worker, a pursuit he believes enables love to flourish where hatred festered. He has yet to reveal the role he played in his father's demise, thus far, and looks determined to distance himself from the past, aside from regular visits to the Guardian's Respite.

I hereby declare my work at Mirrormeander concluded and avail myself for future assignments.

Alya Mehri  

Cumulative Words: approximately 23 416

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