Bicker Extract #3

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@officialAjayChatterjee: Fascinating developments regarding Asmodeus' sighting at the Guardians' Respite. Will host a panel, featuring our city's most celebrated psychiatric specialists, to discuss whether he truly is the villain @MMPD @realKarenChamberlain and I have branded him. For now, I stand by my original stance. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@DripNerd: @officialAjayChatterjee Never been a fan of Asmodeus but I believe he deserves better from the public. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@truthmatters: @officialAjayChatterjee Finally something relevant from you over the last few years. I look forward to an engaging conversation, featuring diverse points-of-view, since the media often tends to oversimplify complex phenomena. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@Tony_da_Man: @officialAjayChatterjee Bruh, just give it up. Always chasing sensationalism and trending tags and ignoring real problems. Shouldn't you be covering the gruesome murder at that plumbing company? The evidence points to a single perpetrator. #MediaShill

@MMPD: ATTENTION CITIZENS: Mysterious sinkholes affecting main roads throughout the northern suburbs. If possible, stay home and avoid traveling within the area. Investigations are underway. A detailed media statement will follow shortly.

@everyonesstan: @MMPD Smh, are you for real?! Stay home because you suddenly say so?! Captain Slovurn must be going senile! We have rights! This sounds awfully sketchy! #dystopia #surveillancesociety

@Bessie_V: @everyonesstan Agreed. Besides, such an emergency sounds like something our guardian should handle. While I thought Eros didn't make much of a difference, I support Asmodeus. He's actually committed to fighting crime and saving innocent lives. Asmodeus will guide us toward a society defined by justice and equality. Mark. My. Words. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@idontcarewhatyouthink: @Bessie_V Didn't you support the Internet a couple days ago? Guess you got a thing for killers. Lol, I don't expect a response. #flipflopping #hypocrisy

@desi_boy_007: We gotta talk about Asmodeus' sighting at the Guardians' Respite! If you haven't seen it, get on Check-Dat right now! #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@derric: @desi_boy_007 Emotional, powerful, intense. Man didn't have to speak a word for onlookers to empathize with the anguish that lifted off his shoulders before their eyes. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@dribby: @desi_boy_007 Yeah, I checked dat hunky form! #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@proudlydifferent: @desi_boy_007 I checked dat booty! #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws #SpankMeDaddy

@BubbaBanks: @desi_boy_007 I checked dat six-pack! #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@beyondillusion: @realKarenChamberlain Just wait until the next election results... Ngl, you and @MMPD owe Asmodeus a major apology! Get on your knees! Beg him to come back! You refused to understand his grief! #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@peacelovingcarbonlifeform: @beyondillusion True, they were so quick to judge but anyone would have done the same in his position. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

@privilegewatch: @peacelovingcarbonlifeform Lol, username's ironic. Of course you will make excuses for Asmodeus. #MalePrivilege #PrettyPrivilege

@NotALoser: @privilegewatch Lol, tell me you're a femcel without saying it directly...

@KeyboardArmy: @privilegewatch Just bitter you got rejected by GigaChad! #FragileWomen

@georgieboy: @KeyboardArmy Rest. You're irrelevant since Keyboard Warrior kicked the bucket. #IAMHUMAN #EmbraceYourFlaws

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