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I haven't felt like this in so long. I haven't felt anything in so long except fear and anguish and even then after a while it all becomes numb. But this, this is something new something exciting and beautiful. Something that's mines, all mines.

I looked over at him who was now in a deep slumber. I couldn't help but smile. I found myself blushing and feeling butterflies. As amazing as all of these emotions have felt, they're also scary as hell. I can't help but wonder what if I lose you?

I gave him a light kiss on his head causing him to stir.

"You stalking me now?" He groaned with a grin.

I chuckled. "Maybe a little."

he then pushed the hair out of face leaning up to kiss my lips. "So what now?" I asked.

"Now.. hmmm I haven't thought of that."

I chuckled nudging him. "Now we sleep." He replied.

"What if-"

"Uh uh. Nope. Let's just sleep."

I sighed before laying down. He came behind me wrapping his arms around my body. I breathed in his scent melting into his warm embrace.

The next day we stared at each other as eating a can of peaches.

"Still can't believe you keep that dog around." He said before shoving a handful in his mouth.

"She's actually pretty great once you get to know her."

"Yeah but she's also a spy."

"If that's the case, do you really think you'd still be here?"

He shrugged "I don't know why the hell they haven't caught me yet, maybe it's because you've been pretty lowkey. They probably don't feel the need to watch you as much as they watched me."

"What do mean by watch you?"

"Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck inside a video game that glitches from time to time. I always feel like I'm being watched."

"But how do you know?"

"I don't, not for sure anyways. It's just a theory. There was this one night I woke up to one of these fucking zombies standing over me and I've never been the same since."


"Yeah. He was just standing there, I kicked the shit out of him but he didn't move not a budge. I didn't sleep for 4 days after that. I swear he was sent to kill me or something."

"I doubt it Jason, I just- I don't know. Maybe he really was there to spy."

"Spy on me sleeping? I don't think so. All I know is a bunch of these fuckers were spying the other day, that's why I had to stay away for so long and damn near sneak back in here."

I looked over at the window watching Roxie run around in circles in the street. I slowly walked up to the window puzzled.

"What the hell is she doing?" I asked myself. Jason looked over at the window.

"Shit! Duck!" He whispered pulling me down. He then pulled me over to the closet quickly climbing in closing the doors behind us.

My body trembled with fear as I opened my mouth to ask what's going on he quickly put his finger over my lips sooshing me.

I then heard loud footsteps coming through the front door. It sounded as if they were wearing heavy duty boots. With each step my heart beat harder and harder.

"Ms. Flowers?" I heard a voice call. I looked over at Jason locking eyes with him. "Ms. Flowers we would just like to speak to you."

He motioned for me to go as hiding himself deeper in the closet. I shook my head no before hearing them slowly walk past the closet. I listened as they began to walk up the stairs opening my bedroom door.

"Quick! They're upstairs, you have to see what they want or they'll come in here and find us both" Jason whispered to me.

I took a deep breath slowly opening the closet door looking around. I quietly closed it behind me taking a few steps into the living room. I heard them moving around in my bedroom rummaging through my things.

"Ms. Flowers there you are."

I jumped feeling like my soul left my body. Not only was the woman here but she also had 2 men with her that appeared to be in all black army gear. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"I'm glad you asked Ms. Flowers." One of the men raised their hand displaying a picture of Jason. "Have you seen this man?"

I shook my head no.

"Well he is wanted, armed and dangerous and it seems he is missing from his prison world."

"I didn't think that was possible."

"Oh trust me, it's not. But if you just so happen to see him please alert us immediately using your local post office."

"So you are able to receive messages from the post office?"

She chuckled. "Only in case of emergency Ms. Flowers."

"You say he's armed and dangerous, what if he tries to hurt me and I can't alert you?"

"Trust me Ms. Flowers no one can hurt you here." She grinned. "I find it funny that you recently exhibited a behavior of his."

I drew my eyebrows together trying to appear confused.

"I must remind you Ms. Flowers if you are caught with a fugitive, you will be sentenced to life in prison or worse. We'll be keeping an eye on you Ms. Flowers."



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