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Her voice, which had been smooth and confident before, rasped in sorrow. Ja'far was wide-eyed and frozen, staring at the mismatched eyes that didn't quite seem to be looking at him.

It felt as if she were looking through him, instead.

Sinbad stood back up and watched the interaction with curious eyes before correcting her, "Uh, that's Ja'far, and I'm Sinbad!"

Jirachi, as she had introduced, blinked, eyes watery but no tears ever fell and  the fog seemed to have lifted as she jerked her hand away and her brows furrowed.

"Please accept my apology," she bowed her head, voice regretful, "I crossed personal boundaries and I am truly sorry for that. I..." she met his eyes once again, and Ja'far felt like she was doing her best not to repeat her actions. "You look like someone who was very dear to me, long ago."

"Was?" Ja'far found himself echoing.

"They returned to the Rukh," she explained, "as all life does when they pass."

Sinbad frowned, knowing the pain of losing loved ones. Ja'far breathed in, calming himself down before he steeled himself.  This woman could be a possible enemy, they didn't know what she could do. She tilted her head at Ja'far when his guard went up but stepped away to give him space.

"Again, my apologies for invading your space," she turned to the King with a polite smile, "and again, you are no King of mine and as such, I do not follow whatever orders you give me." Her smile and tone, while polite, was sharp. She stood her ground, she meant what she was saying.

Which was so incredibly dangerous giving her standing at the moment.

Rashid Saluja leaned his head into his palm as he assessed the woman before him. She was young, seemed no older than Sinbad was, really; yet she seemed much wiser than her age let on. Although...

"You mean no harm to my Kingdom, do you?" he asked, though he knew the answer already.

Her eyebrows raised, expression open and colored in suprise, "Harm?" she echoed. "Of course not. My sole purpose is grant wishes, King Rashid. Though I determine what wish is worth granting, and those I deem unworthy are not. Despite what you may believe, I do have morals, you know?"

He hummed at her words. Sole purpose she had said, though he knows many people who live for or with purpose, it was the first time he had ran into some who lived for granting the wish of others. Someone who lived for the sake of other people than for themselves.

"Have you ever granted your own wish though?" Sinbad piped in, bouncing over without a worry in the world. This boy, really...

Jirachi frowned, glancing at him while taking a step away after she deemed him far too close for her own comfort. 

"Wish Makers cannot grant their own wishes, that is not only the Law of the Rukh but of Solomon as well. Wish Makers who succumb to their own greed are stripped of their Blessing are cursed from returning to the Rukh," she recited. The rules of the Wish Makers were harsh but they were necessary, and they were drilled into each one as soon as they were Blessed. Even more so with Jirachi, who was the only Wish Maker to be conceived. 

The Miracle of the Wish Makers, Blessed by the Rukh.

"To grant my own wishes would lead to my death," she continued, unbothered by the startled expressions they gave her. 

"Well that seems hardly fair," Sinbad complained, refusing to accept that such rules would even exist. Jirachi seemed unimpressed with his response and Rashid wanted to smack his apprentice on his head, they were trying gain an ally not repel her!

"A Wish Maker is bound by the Laws of the Rukh, as without them, we would not exist," she drawled. "It's more than fair for us to follow their rules when they have granted us the power to make nearly anything possible."

"You say that it is your sole purpose," King Rashid, who had been quietly observing (pondering over these words, she was freely giving them information but he would not cross someone who could so easily ruin he and his kingdom) spoke up. "Surely it is not the sole reason you live for?"

"It is," she affirmed. He realized, with a sadness sinking his heart, that she truly believed her own words. 

The Rukh suddenly came to life around her, her head tilted left and right a few times, seemingly listening. Her eyes glowed a beautiful gold and he watched as Sinbad and Ja'far's mouths part in astonishment as they all watch this happen before their very own eyes. "Oh," she breathed, "you will have to pardon me, my dear friend is wishing for me." She smiled, far kinder than they have been given thus far, and bowed. "This has been a very enlightening experience, King Rashid, Sinbad and..." she hesitated, "and Ja'far. If you would like, you may wish for me. That adventure of yours sounds...tempting."

"You're leaving already?" Sinbad whined, he had found such an interesting person! She hadn't even granted his wish! Although he didn't have anything to offer at the moment, so that made sense. "I'll get you an offering you can't refuse!"

Jirachi laughs softly, nodding at him as the Rukh thickened around her.

"I'll be waiting, then."

The Rukh dispersed and she was gone. 

Sinbad whistled, "Now that's one hell of a girl."

King Rashid stood from his throne and walked over to Sinbad to finally deliver the blow to the back of his head like he's been wanting to do.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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