Deleted Scene #1

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Y/n walked the hallways she was filled with anguish how dare he make that decision on his own I'm his queen I'll be treated as such she thought annoyed by her husband's choice on joining Ragnarok.

Shao Xia quickly running after her lady "my lady slow down I beg of you!" "No! Qin Shi Huang had the decision of not going or fighting but he wanted to! How am I supposed to feel? I am his wife" Y/n said angrily.
"My lady being angry will cause the baby to have a miscarriage please be careful."

"Than I can for all I care I hate children anyways. Their cute but nasty little devils" you said harshly "my lady! Don't say such words!" "You want to do what now?" A voice was heard from the end of the hallway.

"Your majesty" Shao Xia bowed down "so your still here are you now? I thought you went to the Ragnarok?" "I am going to the Ragnarok my fair wife I just forgot something." "And that's you." Qin Shi Huang said to you "I'm coming?" "Yes of course I need my brilliant wife to cheer me on" "you've always been such a flirt."

"Well you like it don't you?" He chuckles as Y/n giggles a bit "now I heard you wanted a miscarriage my dear is it true?" "Very much." "I can't have that.. now shall I go fill you up some more?" Y/n blushed so did Shao Xia she turned and sped walked away Y/n hit him on the head "you fool! Never say such words to me" she said walking away "wifeyyy come back!"

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