Chapter ten

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Jack explained to him how his Volundr worked the kids on the god half were scared and worried for Hercules sake on the other side the humans were shocked but yet amazed by such a thing "the butcher from Britain is still one step and a hop ahead of the game he's somehow managed to even dupe a demigod! Catch him if you can because this morally malformed maleficent murderer is malice manifested JACK THE RIPPERRR!" Heimdall yelled into the mic.

"May god bless you." Jack said to Hercules "if these knives represents your malice than I'll just have to crush them all" Hercules said "it appears it's showtime." Jack said as he began to throw knives at Hercules but Hercules used Niflheimer to crush the knives without trying to hard. "Hercules is being barraged with an onslaught of knives. But he's not backing down he's deflecting every last one!" Heimdall exclaimed.

Hercules continues to deflect getting some scratches on him but he doesn't even flinch as takes his time to walk to Jack slowly still deflecting the knives as Jack jumped back at seeing Hercules get closer! And WHAM! Hercules just used Niflheimer to knock Jack down to the ground blood on his face and cheek.

"Your nothing but trash." Hercules said.

Sorry that it's so short darlings I'll do better next time!

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