chapter eleven

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Hercules was about to bring down Niflheimer upon Jack before Jack had a huge umbrella and uses it to dodge Hercules attack last second "didn't expect you to block that." Hercules said "how fortunate that I had my umbrella." Jack said but he continued "now... what did you say moments before?.... ah yes! Crush my malice?" Hercules smirked.

"Of course I am, right now. I'll cut you down head on and finish this." He said as he pointed Niflheimer in front of him with two hands a tattoo began to grow along Hercules arms!

But that seemed to be Jack the Rippers end.

Jack the Ripper was dead/not dead Hercules breathed heavily on the grounds on his knees but stood up as best as he could and began to walk towards the other side of the arena where the humans were and made it back into the stadium "if I'm going to die. I need to see her one last time.." Hercules said his breathing running slow as he slowly walked the halls.

He heard a voice "Herc!? Are you all right? Your covered in blood!" Y/n said worriedly Hercules simply smiled "Y/n I'm sorry I couldn't stick with you till the very end I truly am.." " Hercules stand please!" Hercules fell onto his knees his eyes closing slowly.



A bright light shined on Hercules body his eyes opened he was shocked he was still alive "how-" he was stopped by a crying Y/n who's tears made it onto her clothes "I was so worried never make me worry again you idiot!" "Y/n.. I promise I'll never make you worried again."

Hercules felt happy and yet feel the ache to protect this beautiful flower for the rest of his life.

Hercules Yandere percentage


SQUEEZE IT APART♥︎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora