10 Cranes In The Sky

Start from the beginning

Looking at him bang on the door, he is trying to break it down, he does not have a weapon in hand, he is breaking the door.

Aiming for his thigh, I pull the trigger when I am sure it will hurt but not kill him.

"Ah! Hêre, Fuck!" he turns to face me "You!" [Translation: Hêre: God]

"Hey, baby."

"This is between me and my wife!"

"She called me. You should not put fear into your wife, Piet." he tries to grab me but I move and he stumbles and falls. "Mari!" it takes a few moments, the bathroom door is unlocked and she comes out of the bathroom covered in bruises and blood. I wanted to kill him right now at the sight of her but I knew she would protect him, even in her state.

"Jou kaffir teef!" he throws a fit but fuck him

I open my arms and she waddles into them, allowing me to hold her. "Come on, let's go." I pick her up and carry her into the car

"I forgot my phone, I need to call my parents."

"I will go fetch it." She explains where she left it and I run back inside and find the phone.

"She is going to come right back and then I will not go easy on her." with those words he sealed his fate. I get on top of him, taking his arm and pressing it on his neck. He thrashes around but I just keep pressing on his arm. After he stops, I keep the hold for two more minutes before getting up and checking his pulse and he does not have one.

A deep breath before I make my way into the car and hand her the phone. I send a text to a detective friend of mine about the situation before I head to back to my house. She talks to her mother the entire way there with tears in her eyes.

Walking into the house, Nandi is cooking, thankfully she is dressed. "Mari, this is Nandi, Nandi, this is Mari."

"Hi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Let me show you your room." after leading her to the guest bedroom, I also place a few clothes on the bed as she goes to bathe.

"Are you okay?" she asks as I get into the kitchen

"I am fine. She is only staying for a few days."

"That's fine, it is your house." I snake my arms around her waist from behind and she rests her head on my chest. "Are we going to your family today or tomorrow?"

"Today, I think we will have to sleep over because of time."

"So I shouldn't have cooked?"

"It's good that you did, I'm sure Mari will appreciate a good home-cooked meal."

While I worry about leaving her alone here, most of my work things are at my office since Nandi is here. I also lock my home office. "You smell so good," I comment as I sniff her neck

"Because I took a bath, you should have one so we can get ready to leave."

"You bathed without me?"

"Yeah, I can use my arm."

"That's not why I asked."

"I did not want to cook while I was dirty."

"Fair, enough, you think I can go shower before you are done cooking?" she nods and I plant a kiss on her cheek before making my way to shower without her.

I have never felt this way for anyone and it scares me how fast I am getting used to her but my heart which always leads me well feels safe here and tells me to leap but I am scared, what if she breaks my heart? I do not deal with breakups well.

When I walk out of my room, I hear them talking. Nandi is setting the table for us and Mari is helping her.

"Oh, I was just telling Mari that we won't be here tonight."

"We are coming back tomorrow."

"Where are you going?"

"I need to get a few things for my family." she nods and we enjoy the meal that Nandi prepared. She excused herself to go pack our overnight bags and while I offered to help, she ordered me to sit and entertain Mari.

"I get why you love her."

"I don't..."

She interrupts "Don't deny it, she likes you too."

"I don't think..."

"She is serving you while she is recovering from a bullet wound, she got protecting you." well,

"Maybe. How did the conversation with your mother go?"

"She is going to fetch me tomorrow."

"You moving back to Windhoek?"

"Yeah, it will be good for me." a nod is all I can give, I am happy that she is moving back home, she deserves to be around people who love and appreciate her.

"Nkoe, can you come to help me!" I head to help her and she needed me to zip the bag. After I showed Mari where everything was, we hit the road.

My home was six and a half hours away and while we should have taken a flight, I like the road trip.

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