Elaine's Alive?

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Third person

All of the sins were sitting in the main room of the boar hat and Elizabeth was checking on Kitty. All of a sudden the front door was thrown open and a blonde-haired fairy girl flew in. King and Ban both froze in shock and everyone else was ready to attack.

"Well is that any way to meet your sister and best friend?" She said and everyone turned to Ban and King who were looking back at her amazed.

"How is it possible you died? I watched it happen" Ban said and everyone looked at her again she smiled and then a boy walked in. He had brown hair and green eyes. All of a sudden Elizebeth ran at the man crying.

"How are you here you died I thought I would never see you again." She cried into his chest and the blonde girl smiled at the sight.

"Well, I guess I should explain," The blonde girl said and everyone nodded as she went to sit down with everyone else.

Elaine's POV

Everyone looked at me expectantly. I just smiled trying to think of the best way to explain this.

"Well, I am alive obviously. I am only here because Kitty broke the rules just a little but she has the power to do that so I suppose that it is ok. Kitty and I met a long time ago just after King left the forest and I was alone. She became like an older sister and left the day before Ban got there. She was very kind and taught me a lot. After I died I saw Kitty again in the necropolis. She will have to explain that because I am not sure about it myself but after that, I heard from her sometimes for short periods at a time and she was there when I saw all of you before. The state she is in upstairs is technical death. The only thing is that from what I understand Kitty can not die." I looked at everyone making sure they were all following.

"Well, this time she came and she told me that she was going to get me out. She has been telling me that I would be able to come back to life one day. She just needed to wait for the right time. I am not sure what changed but she came and told me that she was going to bring me and him back to life.

In exchange, I was supposed to tell all of you that she is ok and she will be out of this state soon. She also wanted me to tell Elizabeth that she was so thankful for you and that you deserve a chance at happiness even if others thought differently." I finished and they all looked shocked.

"Wow. Um, so you don't know anything about this not being able to die right? There is nothing more that you can tell me" Merlin asked and I shook my head. I had never asked about it and was now wishing that I did.

Just then I heard an explosion outside and everyone ran outside only to find the ten commandments. What in the world are they doing here? I locked eyes with the first fairy king and his eyes seemed to widen at the sight of me.

"Where is she? I know that she is here otherwise, she would still be dead" He said pointing at me. My eyes widened. They wanted Kitty, why and how did they even know they have been locked up for ten thousand years?

Third Person

"What are you talking about?" Meliodas said, looking at all of them.

"We do not want to fight you, we are just looking for the princess. Tell us where she is and we will take her and be out of your way" Estarosa said smiling at the seven deadly sins caption.

"Why would we tell you where to mate it and what do you mean Princess Kitty is not a princess is she?" Ban asked, confused. Just then the fairy king let his vines out and they grabbed Kitty from her room and then all of the ten commandments disappeared.

"Shit where did they go? We have to get her back. We do not know what they will do with her" Elaine said, worried for her best friend and sister figure. 

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