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Kitty POV

The next morning everyone was gathered in the main room and Meli was saying something about geting his sword back. I was not really paying attention I was a little busy messing around with kings hair.

Just then I thought I heard a noise so I got up and went over to the door King looked up at me and just then I heard him scream before I was teleported somewhere else. The second that I was teleported I knew who had done it and then I had a cuff put on my wrist before I was left in a large room.

"Is someone else there?" I heard a voice say and my head snapped in that direction wondering what it was.

King's POV

"Kitty look out!" I screamed but it was too late she was gone. Everyone started freaking out. We needed to figure out what to do and fast we did not know what that mage wanted with her.

Kitty's POV

I looked over and saw a man laying on the bed and soon realized that it was the king. That bitch left me with the king but why there are so many other places that she could have left me why here.

"Your majesty it is me Kitty the Neko that the holy knight basterds abused," I said walking over and smiling slightly. I did not know how else to put it this man had nothing to do with it and I knew that he had no fault in any of it so I was not mad at him.

When he found out they had poisoned him and locked him away in his chambers claiming to the people that he was sick that is when I made my escape promising myself that I would come back for him and make sure he got out.

"Oh, are you ok sweet heart? I tried to stop them from what they were doing but as you can see it did not go well. But what are you doing here I thought that I got news of your escape from Luna." He said and I smiled at the name.

Luna had taken care of me the best she could while I was stuck in that hell and she had become like a mother to me. She was of course powerless against the holy knights and there was nothing she could do to get me out. I had felt so bad for leaving her behind when I had escaped but was happy that she was ok.

"I am so glad that she is ok to have you seen her lately?" I said looking at him just then there was a small light and Luna was let into the room.

"Oh dear why are you back here I thought that you finally got out of this place and escaped. I love you but I was hoping that I would never see you back here again" Luna said as she ran up to me. I smiled at her.

"Don't worry Luna I found my mates they are the seven deadly sins and they are going to come and save us I know it I can feel their power coming our way now," I said and she smiled hugging me tightly.

"Tell me all about them dear until they come and save us as you say they will," She said and I smiled at her.

"First is Meli he is the captain and he is a horrible chief but he is really strong and he loves me so much he is the first one I meet. Next, I meet Diane she is a giant and she is so pretty I love her so much she is so sweet. Next, I meet Ban he is always drinking and is actually a really good cook. He is really funny and says that he is going to steal me away one day. After him, I meet King. He is a fairy. He is really shy but I think that he is my favorite don't tell anyone though I love them all. The last one that I have met so far is Goather. He is a doll. He seems a little confused about emotions but I love him anyway." I explained and she smiled at me brightly.

"Didn't you tell me that you have seven mates? You have only met five which means that you still need to meet your last two. I think that you have the best mates ever" Luna said. Just then the mark on my neck started glowing and I smiled as the doors flew open revealing six of my mates including one that I had not met yet. 

Sorry that it has been a while I will be trying to post more chapters this week and maybe even finish this book. Please vote and comment. And please check out my new book The Avengers Assasion Mate.

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