The viIzel fighting festival

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Kitty POV

We had just arrived in Vaizel and the boys had headed down into the town to go into the town to try and find Diane's hammer. Danie and I had gone into the woods to collect some things for the kitchen and all of the sudden I heard him scream I ran toward her only to find her being the same size as me and only a little taller.

What happened I was not sure but we went back to the tavern deciding to go into the town disguised and join in the fun. I pulled on a dress and belt and then gave Diane an outfit and we headed down.

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Kittys outfit 

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Kittys outfit 

Diane's outfit with hat and cloak

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Diane's outfit with hat and cloak.

Meli POV

We had just ended the knockout round and it was Ban, King, an old man, two holy knights, Two girls, and me. We were all brought into a room and pulled sticks. Ban and I got on a team. King and the old man on another and then he two knights and mystery ladies on another.

I smiled excitedly at the idea of watching the holy knights go up against the mystery girls. We got to the side of the stage and then the two knights went up and so did the two girls.

"Wait before we begin I need you to take off those cloaks so that we can make sure that you are not hiding any weapons," The announcer said and they both did as told.

Ban, King, and I all looked astonished as our mate stood there smiling at us brightly. Both the holy knights looked at her astonished. And they both seemed to pale slightly. I was a little confused but then they started fighting.

Just as they started the first night started with tornado attacks at Diane and the other trapped Kitty in a purple shell. He seemed pretty confident that it was going to hold her and everyone else seemed to be paying more attention to Diane and the other knight when I heard a crack.

Just then the shell around Kitty shattered and she smiled softly at her opponent. I smiled at her and could not believe how awesome my mate was. Just then she ran at the knight that looked like he was about to wet himself.

She ran at him and uppercut him off of the stage and ran overthrowing the other guy off the stage but just before he did I heard him say something to himself.

"So this is the power of a Neko princess" He mumbled as he was thrown off the stage. I looked at her curious but then I felt a presence coming our way.

Kitty's POV

All of a sudden King, Dian, Ban, and Meli all got up on stage and announced that they were the seven deadly sins and that everyone needed to run. I knew right away what was coming and I also knew that I needed to get out of there now because this was going to end badly.

"I need you to take Kitty back to the boar hat hawk as fast as possible and do not let her get hurt," Meli said to Hawk and I got on his back as he ran back to the tavern. On the way, we got stopped by princess veronica and Howser.

"Are you Ok Kitty I was so worried when you diapered and then the knights were saying that you had joined the sins and I knew that it could not be true please tell me that it is not true." She said worried about me.

'I am so sorry but it is true I am mated to all of the sins and I have grown very close to them and I love them please understand the holy knight grandmasters were only controlling me you have no idea what hell I have been through in there please you can't make me go back' I signed with tears in my eyes I would not go back to that hell.

"Sorry, princess but I am not giving her up that easy we only just got her and if she says that place was not good for her then she ain't going back to the end of the discussion" I herd Ban say from behind me smiling at me. I ran over to him and cried into his chest falling unconscious into his arms and feeling all the power start to drain from my body.


Kitty fell into my arms and I looked at her worried about what happened then I saw one of the holy knights with a weird rock pointed at her that looked like it was draining her power. I carefully set her down on the side and ran over destroying the crystal and fighting off the knights before grabbing Kitty and running as I felt captions power surge. 

The Seven Deadly Sins x Neko MateWhere stories live. Discover now