The Battle, Is Kitty Ok

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Kings POV

    I could not believe it, my mate could turn into a fairy and a goddess. I suddenly felt all of my injuries start to heal and looked over to see a white light coming from my mate. She was beautiful in this and I wanted to help her but all of a sudden we were all trapped in a perfect cube.

My eyes widened as I realized that she wanted to take him on her own and we would not be able to help until she raised us. I flew over to the wall and slammed on it not wanting her to get hurt she was strong but he had turned into a demon and might kill her I was not ready to lose her I had only just gotten her.

Kitty's POV

    I was mad and I could hear my mates yelling to let them out because they did not want me to get hurt. I understood but I could not let them out they were all so important to me and I was not going to let them die.

    I have lived for a very long time and seen a lot of things I was not about to let this thing be the thing that finally takes me out no I was going to kill it. I summoned my staff and started attacking it.

    I could feel my powers geting weaker but that was not what mattered right now. I was going to kill this thing. I used the last of my strength and watched as it exploded into hundreds of tiny pieces. It would not be able to come back anymore.

    All of the perfect cubes were realized and I heard all my mates running at me. I turned to them and smiled widely at them. I was happy that they were all ok then I felt myself start to wabble on my feet and I fell forward into someone's arms.

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