part 16|concealment|

Start from the beginning

Once again, the redhead's nerves returned.

Walking over to take a closer look, she could see small patches of blood through the material.

What can she do? Wake her up and make her seem like a creep for watching her sleep? Or let her bleed to death?

It explained why she was acting so weird when she came back.

"Hey, Y/n?"

The brunette slowly started to stir. She pulled her legs up to her chest, then winced once she remembered her injury.

Once her eyes opened, he groaned, not seeing Natasha. When her eyes met her, however, she jumped slightly, having been scared at the fact that someone was there.

"Oh -" she coughed, trying to make her voice audible. "Hey, Nat. What, why are you in my room? Can't spend an hour away from me?" She joked playfully.

"Y/n, it's been a day since you went to your room. I was worried."

"Oh, Nat, sorry," Y/n said as she sat up. She looked down at her stomach and realised it was on show, suddenly pulling her hoodie down, hoping Nat didn't notice.

Natasha tucked a bit of the brunette's hair behind her ear, "You're injured, aren't you?" She said with a frown.

"No. Why are you asking that?"

"I saw your bandage Y/n. Don't hide it."

"I'm not injured, Nat. Stop worrying about me. I'm fine."

"You can tell me, you know. I'm not going to judge. I just need to know you're looking after yourself. Have you seen Bruce?"

"I don't need doctors." Stygian spat.

Natasha was slightly taken aback by the harshness of her comment.

"Sorry," Y/n grumbled, not meaning to hurt Nat.

"What happened?"

Y/n sighed. She was still exhausted, and her patience was running thin.
"Is there anything else you need?"

"Can you please answer-"

"Good then, if you don't mind, I need to go to the bathroom, see yourself out." She said with a fake smile.

Natasha was shocked. Before she could even stop the other girl, though, the brunette had walked off into her bathroom.

"Can you at least let me help with the wounds?"

"I already stitched them," she said through the bathroom door.

"I was trained about it. How to treat wounds. I can help."

Without another word, the door opened to a defeated-looking Y/n.

Natasha walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. When she turned back around, the other girl had begun taking her hoodie off.

The redhead immediately blushed. She felt her cheeks rising in temperature. She also couldn't help but stare.

Y/n faced the mirror, starting to unwrap the bandage, being extremely careful. She tilted her head back and held her breath because of the pain.

Natasha took the first aid kit out of the cabinet and filed through it, looking for the stitches.

"What happened out there, hun?" The assassin spoke, hoping to distract the girl from the pain about to come.

Y/n sighed. "We were compromised, as you know, they told us to surrender or they would kill us, Clint hesitated -" she inhaled sharply as Natasha was taking the stitches out.

"Clint hesitated, and they began to shoot. So, I took the bullets."

Natasha had finished stitching up the first wound and brought her hand up to the girl's face, stroking her cheek.

"You're so brave. You've barely been on serious missions, and you've already taken wounds for others."


They stared at each other, both completely in awe at the other person.

Natasha began fixing the other wounds, and Y/n began speaking again. The brunette couldn't help but think about the assassin's gentle hands on her stomach. They were warm.

"Also, Uhm, something else happened. It scared me."

"Go on,"

"Well, when I was killing the agents, I had a flashback. But it wasn't like my normal ones. It was more real. For example, if I did something, I'd get hurt again. I was, Uhm, back at the -" She took in a shaky breath, trying to stop the tears about to fall.
"I was back at Hydra, in the "medical" room. They used to have this tray of needles that were full of the super soldier serum. It hurt," she let out a fake laugh and some tears tumbled down her face. "It hurt so much. The doctors used to torture me all the time until I'd pass out. But when I got out of the flashback, it was like I was my old self again. Like I had lost control of the gears and it was doing its own thing. So, those agents, rather than dying normally, I gave them hell, and they died in the most brutal ways."

Natasha had finished and looked at Y/n with pure sympathy. She wiped the girl's tears and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay, I understand. You're not with them anymore, you're with us, doing the right thing."

Y/n buried her head in Natasha's neck and cried.

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