Broomer X Chalky

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i recently binged the entirety of excellent entities and threeee 1 just came out, so i thought i might as well cover a few ships whilst my mind is still fresh.

for starters...i didn't really pay too much attention to the earlier episodes of season 2 (or really the entirety of season 1) because in all honesty, they were really hard to sit through lmao. like, they were really bad. i felt like i was forcing myself to watch it. the reason i'm mentioning this is because i literally had no idea these two were a canon ship until webz said it himself. i'm not even joking. so, despite me watching this series recently, my thoughts aren't as fleshed out as they could be for a lot of characters or even ships.

(btw i do want to say the series improved a TON since then its way better than it was like 7 years ago)

that being said, i like this ship quite a bit honestly. these two have good chemistry and play well off each other, them building a band together was great, it all felt wholesome and it worked for me.

that's all i have to say really about the ship itself. i wasn't joking when i said i didn't pay attention at a lot of points.

oh yeah wtf was that giggle chalky did after kissing broomer in episode 1

AND also...this gets  a 7/10.

and one more thing...

this obviously had the advantage of actually being canon, so obviously it was gonna be better than like, every other ship in this book. in fact, im pretty sure this is the highest rating i ahve ever given a ship in this book. and the fact that it's a 7 honestly says something about my thoughts on ships in general...but fuck it this is fun and people read it so...

tldr: i like this ship 7/10
prob wouldnt have been this high if it wasnt canon and developed

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