The Destroyer Is Released

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Alexis watches over the kids and her friends as she sits next to Catman up on the higher stage where he is with his drums and her guitar on the flying craft.

"Star child do you mind if I ask where you get your super powers from?" Daphne asks.

"Rock and roll. It powers everything in Kissteria." Star child says.

"I don't know. Maybe I can find friends with normal interests." Velma says playing a couple cords on the base she is holding.

"Be careful with that base," Demon says.

"Because it's made of alien technology," Velma says.

"Because it costs more than your house," Demon says quickly making Velma shut up.

"Excuse me Mr. Demon. Is it rock and roll that roll that makes you breathe fire?" Shaggy asks.

"No," Demon says.

"Then what does? Hot tamales?" Shaggy asks.

"No," Demon says.

"Hot peppers?" Scooby asks.

"No," Demon says.

"Chimichanga sauce?" Shaggy asks.

"No!" Demon yells blowing fire over Scooby and Shaggy's head. Alexis rolls her eyes annoyed.

"You might as well tell them Demon. Before we get another grocery list." Catman says.

"Yea besides there not gonna stop asking until you tell them," Alexis says as Demon growls.

"The secret to breathing fire is to swallow your fears," Demon says.

"Fears?" Scooby asks.

"Like I didn't know you could eat those," Shaggy says.

"Swallow them up. Hold them inside. And then force them out as demon fire." Demon says blowing fire.

"Talk you're about your acid reflux," Velma says as Alexis then shifts to wolf form.

"There it is. The tome of The Destroyer." Star child says.

"And there's the Witch," Velma says. Alexis and the guys then fly over to the place where the rock has to be for it to release The Destroyer as The Witch stops in front Alexis and the guys.

"You shouldn't have brought them here Kiss. They will surely never leave Kissteria alive!" The Witch yells turning some human bird like stones red and alive as Alexis growls. The human bird like stones then go after the kids while The Witch then continues flying to where she was headed.

"I'll go after her myself! You guys stay and protect the kids." Star child says as he goes after the Witch.

"Oh great more babysitting," Demon says as he and the others go to help the kids. Alexis growls as she tackles down one of the two human bird like stones that were going after Fred and Daphne while Cat man gets the other. As Alexis takes down the stone human bird thing she notices the other stone creatures grabbed the kids but the others got it. While fighting Alexis follows Catman as he goes to help Fred and Daphne. As Alexis finishes off a stone creature one jumps her and sends her flying at the ground making her scream in pain. Catman looks to Alexis on the ground hurt.

"Hang on Alexis!" Catman yells and jumps in and finishes off her attacker before he then helps Alexis up.

"Are you ok?" Catman asks as Alexis nods.

"Let's stay focused on the task at hand," Alexis says as she hears the volcano explode. The stone creatures then try attacking again only to be completely destroyed by Alexis and the guys before they run off to help star child finding the Witch beat him and is retreating to Earth. After getting Star child on solid ground they see the kids running up to see what happened.

"Nice job stopping the Witch," Demon says.

"I couldn't beat her on my own." Star child says.

"You know the elder said the only way to stop what evers happening here is with teamwork right?" Velma says.

"Right," Demon says.

"Really?" Velma asks.

"Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it we need to work together," Demon says.

"Hey Star child said rock and roll powers everything here," Fred says.

"And it was music that created the rock of Kissteria in the first place," Daphne says.

"So if we create massive music." Space man says.

"Our kind of music," Demon says.

"We'll overload the destroyer." Star child says.

"So you guys just need to make too much rock and roll," Shaggy says.

"Too much rock and roll? Ain't no such thing." Catman says.

"Look your Kiss. If anyone can make too much rock and roll it's you." Velma says.

"She does have a point, after all, we are the best rock band there is," Alexis says shifting to human form.

"Then we'll head back to Kiss World while you guys distract The Destroyer." Star child says.

"How'll we do that?" Daphne asks.

"With this." Star child says pressing some keys making the flying craft arrive at their location and a smaller flying craft arrive beside it. The kids and Star child walk up to the flying craft.

"Wow. Neat." Fred says

"We like to call it the Kiss craft." Star child says putting an arm around Fred.

"We have a van that we call the mystery machine," Fred says as Star child and the others start to glow and Alexis shifts to wolf form long enough to get on the bigger flying craft.

"That's cool Frank but were running out of time." Star child says he flys up to the bigger flying craft.

"It's Fred!" Fred yells as the bigger flying craft goes through the portal.

The Wolf Girl Scooby Doo Meets KISS Catman X OC Alexis PT 1Where stories live. Discover now