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   Hongjoong's pov

  "Okay, are you ready to find out if it's truly Yeosang?" Seonghwa asked, gently rubbing my sides.

  We were stood in front of three cloth- covered bodies on tables in the castle morgue.

  My heart felt numb as I nodded. The mortician began by uncovering the face of one, making me shake my head. He wasn't Yeosang.

The mortician and us walked to the second body before he uncovered the second body, which looked a big too large to be my friend. When she pulled down the sheet, it wasn't Yeosang.

  The third body was smaller, and looked similar to Yeosang's build.

  "Are you okay?" Seonghwa asked, gently rubbing my arms. I nodded my head then shook it.

  "No, I'm not. I- what if it was Yeo who tried to hurt us?" I asked, my eyes welling with tears even though I felt nothing.

  "Then we'll do what you decide," Seonghwa said. I sighed and nodded. The mortician removed the sheet from the face of the third person, causing my tears to fall.

  "It's not him- it's not Yeosang!" I exclaimed, stepping closer to the man who did look similar, but lacked my best friend's facial birth mark.

  "What? But he looks just like him?" Seonghwa questioned. I shook my head.

  "No, my best friend has a birth mark beside his eye. This man does not." I gently moved away their bangs to just to make absolutely certain, and I was right; they lack Yeosang's birthmark.

"That means Yeosang was kidnapped, doesn't it?" Seonghwa asked softly. I nodded quickly.

"I knew he wouldn't hurt us, Hwa." I sobbed, leaning my head on my soulmate's chest. Seonghwa gently held me closely and kissed the top of my head.

"Yeosang could never hurt anyone. He was always too sweet to do it," I continued. Seonghwa soothed me with a slow kiss on my lips.

"I believe you, Joong. We can send for some guards to search for him in the surrounding kingdoms. We'll find Yeosang; he still means a lot to you," Seonghwa said. I nodded and wiped my tears on my sleeves.

"Thank you," I said. Seonghwa gently tugged me out of the castle morgue and back to our room.

"Let's rest up for a while, alright? I'll have dinner brought up to us. In the meantime, I can do your hair," Seonghwa offered, smiling softly and showing me the hair tinsel, beads, and hair jewelry he had collected.

"Hwa?" I spoke softly, sitting on the ground as he sat on the bed to do my hair. He hummed in response as he brushed the few tangles away.

"I love you," I said. Seonghwa's busy hands stilled in my hair. I felt him add a hair tie to my hair before he gently turned my face towards himself.

"I love you," Seonghwa said, smiling widely before he leaned down to peck my forehead. I smiled softly and leaned more against him as he worked on my hair.

I could feel his love for me through our bond. It felt so warm and gentle flowing through me like my own.

I can't believe I would question his love for me. If he didn't love me, then he wouldn't even bother to make sure I eat, let alone do my hair with tinsel and beads.

I felt as he added gems on clips into my hair along with all the braided in tinsel. He was being extremely careful and gentle with me as he always had been.

Seonghwa began singing softly as he worked, making my eyes feel heavy at his sweet voice.

A bit later, Seonghwa was waking me up as our dinner was brought into his room.

"You fell asleep, Joongie," Seonghwa said, smiling softly as I lifted my head. I smiled sleepily back at him and climbed onto bed beside him.

"I'm sorry, but your voice was really pretty," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. Seonghwa kept his smile and patted my cheek.

"Thank you, I'll keep in mind that you like my voice. Now, let's eat, okay?" Seonghwa said. I nodded and began eating the meal sat before me on the bed.

We are in a comfortable silence until we were finished. Seonghwa called for our plates to be taken away, so they were.

  "Come here, I wanna cuddle," Seonghwa said, making grabby hands at me. I smiled softly and crawled into his arms. He kissed my forehead sweetly before falling backwards onto the plush mattress to take a nap.

  "Sleep well,my Prince," I mumbled, kissing his chest.

  "Sleep well, my captain," Seonghwa said, kissing my forehead again and again. I smiled tiredly and cuddled closer.

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