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Seonghwa's pov

"Hey, babe?" I asked as we laid in bed together. We were finally back at sea after our crewmates healed and Yuna's baby was able to leave the NICU.

"Yes?" Hongjoong asked. I lowered my head further down his chest and mumbled so quietly he couldn't hear me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that; what did you say?" Hongjoong asked.

"I know we're soulmates and all, but I don't want to get married in a week," I mumbled a bit louder so he could hear me. When I heard nothing, I glanced up at my soulmate, fear coursing through my veins.

"Is there any reason besides the fact that you'd like to wait? Have I done anything wrong?" He asked softly. I heaved myself up to look into his eyes.

"No, you haven't done anything wrong, babe. I just want it to go at our pace instead of at our parents' pace. Is that okay?" I asked. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Of course that's okay, baby. Thank you for speaking up about it," Hongjoong said. I smiled softly and laid back down in his arms. He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.

"I know I shouldn't say this so soon, because I know it could be pressuring on you, but I just- I want you to know something, my love," Hongjoong began. I nodded on his chest, silently telling him to continue.

"I am in love with you, Park Seonghwa." Hongjoong said quickly, his face showing how worried he was to say it. I smiled softly and kissed his lips slowly.

"I'm sorry, babe, but I don't know if I'm comfortable saying it back until I know for sure that I am..." I spoke softly, worried that I may upset him. Hongjoong quickly took notice and kissed my forehead.

"Take all the time you need to be sure, sweet prince. I'll wait for you," he said sweetly. I smiled and kissed his bare chest.

"Thank you, my captain,"

"Captain Kim, may I speak to your first mate in private?" An unknown male asked after knocking on the bedroom door. Hongjoong looked at me, and I shrugged. I patted my jeans and felt my pistol in my holster. I nodded.

"Come in, and I'll leave. How long will this take?" Hongjoong asked. I sat up on the bed and noticed it was the male I removed a bullet from.

"Only a few minutes. I'll come find you once I'm done," he said. Hongjoong nodded and kissed my forehead before walking out of our room and closed the door behind himself.

"Listen here, Seonghwa. I was Captain's first mate long before you came into the picture. What makes you think you're good enough to take my place?" He asked. I snickered.

"Well, for one, I am Hongjoong's soulmate, and for two, I saved your life, and our captain's, and pretty much our whole ship. I know I'm better suited to be first mate than you are, Yeosang." I sneered.

I knew this all too well. He was trying to scare me off.

Yeosang's eyes widened.

"No-you can't be Captain Kim's soulmate! I've loved him since we were children!" Yeosang shouted. I watched as he reached around his back for his gun, making me act quickly to pull out and cock mine.

"Don't you dare, Yeosang. If I can take a bullet out of you, what makes you think I won't put a few more in you?" I asked. Yeosang cowered and ran out of my room to find Hongjoong.

"Baby, Yeosang says you pulled your gun out on him for no reason; is this- it is, isn't it?" Hongjoong asked as he saw me putting my gun back on safety and back into my holster.

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