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   Seonghwa's pov

"How do you have so many enemies, Joong?" I asked, leaning my head against his shoulder. Hongjoong gently caressed my nape and kissed my cheek.

"My father and I have the same name, so when people hear of me, they assume I am him. I didn't know Jongho was a prince, though," Hongjoong responded. I nodded against his shoulder.

"He never told either one of us. Do you think Yuna knows?"

  "I'd hope he told Yuna, but if he didn't, then that's his decision. I know I'd still love you regardless of your status as Prince," hongjoong said, still caressing my nape and rubbing my back.

  "Really?" I asked softly, finally lifting my head to look at my soulmate. Hongjoong smiled widely and nodded.

"Of course id still love you, Seonghwa. Your status doesn't matter one bit to me," he said.

I felt such a deep and warm love wash over me I was sure he did also. I leaned down again and captured his lips in my own, my hands raised to gently cup his cheeks.

Hongjoong's arms wrapped around my waist as he tugged me closer. He deepened the kiss for a small moment before pulling away.

"I love you, Kim hongjoong. More than anyone and anything else in this world, I love you." I emphasized, caressing his still prominent cheekbones with my thumbs.

Hongjoong looked like he had a million thoughts racing behind his tired eyes, but he settled on one thing to say.

"I've loved you since you first yelled at me on Aurora over my stab wound, Hwa. I always have, and always will, love you."

"There's something else you needed to say, isn't there?" I asked softly. Hongjoong nodded.

  "Can we go back to your room, or talk about it tonight?" He asked. I pursed my lips and nodded.

  "Which do you wanna do?" I asked.

  "You still have work to do, so I think it's okay to wait until tonight," Hongjoong offered, though his eyes looked dull once more.

  "Is this about-"

  "Babe, you have to prepare for the crown and all that royal stuff, right? Go, I'll be alright until tonight," hongjoong said, smiling small. It didn't reach his eyes- his eyes that usually glowed with passion and emotions.

  "Okay, I love you," I mumbled, pecked his lips, then walked out of the room.

Hongjoong's pov

I knew I was getting worked up over nothing, but I couldn't help but disbelieve that he loves me.

How could he love me after hurting me so carelessly? How could I let myself run back to him just because he apologized?

'I didn't mean to' he said. Yeah, right, I call bullshit. Two weeks of silence, and you only noticed me once I caught you with advisor Hyungwon.

  Am I that bad of a soulmate?

  I shook myself out of my thoughts and walked to the royal bedrooms. I knocked on Yeji's door.

  "Yeji, it's Hongjoong."

  The door was soon opened by the woman. She gave me a sweet smile that soon fell when I could barely return one.

  "Could you tell me where your mom would be?" I asked softly. She nodded with a sad smile and began to lead me down the halls to the throne room.

  "Mrs. Park, I'm sorry to bother you during the day, but could I please talk to you?" I asked, not looking the woman in her eyes as I bowed politely.

  "Of course, little star. Come, let's head back upstairs." Mrs. Park wrapped her left arm around my right and led me upstairs to Yeji's room so we could all three talk.

  "Okay, little star. What's the matter?" Mrs. Park questioned.

  "A lot, Mrs. I'm still in disbelief that your son loves me. Then when Seonghwa and I went to the cottage, we were attacked, as you know, and he- uh, Seonghwa killed my best friend. I- I don't know what to do," I explained, feeling a bit numb and emotionless.

  "Seonghwa killed someone?!" Both women exclaimed at once. I pursed my lips and nodded.

  "Since he became first mate he has now killed one dozen people. He killed eleven on his first day, when we were attacked by another kingdom, and now Yeosang. I- he killed my best friend?" I was still lost and confused.

  Yeosang is gone?

  "Mrs. Park, when your guards clean up the forest, could you have them bring back the bodies for identification? I would like to know for certain if it were Yeosang." I asked.

  "Of course. And if it were him?" She asked softly.

  "Then he will receive a small funeral, if that is okay with you. I just want my crew to be able to say goodbye as we send him over." I looked down at the hardwood flooring of the castle.

  "Yeji, where's hongjoong?! He's not- oh thank god," Seonghwa burst through the door in a panic before he calmed down.

  "Seonghwa, we three are speaking. You still have work to be done," Mrs. Park tuts. Seonghwa's eyes were confused, but he nodded.

  "I should be done by dinner time, Joongie. If I'm not, then I did good enough for today. I'll be there." Seonghwa kissed my forehead with the promise of dinner together before leaving Yeji's bedroom.

  I was confused by the blue cloth I was handed until it was taken again and my cheeks were being patted dry. I looked at Yeji, who was confused, but continued drying my cheeks.

  "Thank you," I mumbled, gently retrieving the cloth from her hands.

  "Why are you crying?" Yeji asked.

  "He does still love me, and he confirmed it without even knowing he needed to." I smiled despite my tears.

  "Of course he does, Hongjoong. He was crying when you were gone to... Jongho's house?" She questioned herself a bit, "anyway, he was torn up thinking you'd be leaving him. He loves you, and deeply regrets his actions."

  "I hope he does love me as much as you say, Yeji."

  "Little star, he looked at you like you hung the whole galaxy. Although he messed up massively, he does love you. He has never once spoken out towards his father as he did for you, so trust in him and his love. Please, allow him one more chance to love you." Mrs Park asked, gently holding my hands.

  "I will. I love my soulmate too much to let him go like that," I spoke determinedly.

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