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Third pov

"So I'm overreacting?" Hongjoong questioned after a bit of silence. Jongho shook his head.

"You're not overreacting, you are just reacting to the situation. Now, when was the last time you ate?" Jongho asked, helping the older man stand up again and leading them to the kitchen.

"Hwa and I ate breakfast at noon," Hongjoong said, sitting down on a kitchen chair.

"It's a quarter 'til nine, so I'm gonna go find Yuna, and we'll make dinner."

Hongjoong smiled at the younger man as he left. Although Hongjoong is older by two years, Jongho's maturity was always greater than his own.

The married couple came into the kitchen, their ten month old daughter cooing as she was carried. Hongjoong took a glance towards her to guess about how much she weighed, then asked if he could hold her whilst the couple cooked.

They allowed me to hold their daughter, who smiled cutely at me. Just as Jongho began to speak a warning, she grabbed onto one of my braids with her little hands, but she didn't pull hard. She was gently toying with the bit of hair.

"She usually pulls hair really hard, captain; be careful."

"I'll watch out." I kept my gaze on the brunette baby who seemed entertained by my long hair.


"Hwa?" I asked, knocking on his bedroom door. The door opened, revealing Yeji with a relieved smile on her lips.

"Do you want privacy?" She asked. I nodded with a soft smile at her words. The woman before me grinned, patted my shoulder, then walked down the hall.

"Can I come in?" I asked, looking at my soulmate, who sat on his bed. The Prince jumped up and rushed to me in the doorway as I stepped inside.

Seonghwa wrapped his arms around my waist and gently lifted me into a tight hug. His tears soaked into my shoulder as he held me closely.

I smiled softly and put my arms around his shoulders, letting one of my hands toy with his black hair.

"I'm sorry, Joongie, I just didn't want to risk drawing it out and letting you get seriously hurt. I don't know what I'd do if you were really hurt," Seonghwa said, his face still buried in my shoulder.

"I know, babe. I understand why you did it, but Yeosang is... was my best friend. He'd been there for me since I was little. I didn't think he would change as he did when you and I met," I responded, still held in the air by my boyfriend.

"Can you put me down? I feel like a teddy bear," I laughed softly as Seonghwa gave me and squeeze. He placed me back onto my feet then cupped my cheeks.

I reached up and swiped away his tears with my hoodie sleeve. Seonghwa leaned down and kissed my lips tenderly, almost like he thought I'd break.

"I love you, sweet Prince," I whispered once we separated. Seonghwa smiled softly and pecked my lips again.

"I love you, my captain."

  The next morning, after a shower, Seonghwa and I were pulling on clothes Sunmi brought us to wear. He had to help me layer a couple pieces on, but now we're walking down the hallways to get to the meeting room.

"Ah, Prince Seonghwa, who's that? You know not to bring anyone who isn't a royal into our meetings," an older man asked, a questioning look on his face.

  Seonghwa gently rubbed my back, "go ahead; introduce yourself."

  I paused for a second before bowing at the room of people before me.

  "I am Captain Kim Hongjoong of my ship Aurora, Prince Seonghwa's soulmate, and boyfriend," I said once I had stood up from my deep bow. The older man's face paled before flushing red with anger.

  "You're that damned captain that took my son?!" He exclaimed.

  "Sir, I've never taken anyone without their-" his guards began to pull their guns on me.

"Who the hell is your son?! He's probably back here now! My entire crew chose to live on land now that we've docked."

  "Jongho- Prince Choi Jongho! How can you not know if you have a Prince on your ship?!" The king continued yelling as Seonghwa and his guards aimed to protect and harm me, respectively.

  "Damn, he's a prince? Anyway- I didn't kidnap Jongho! He joined my crew when he was eighteen- an adult who can decide for himself- and now he's happy! You're not going to take that from him!

  If Jongho wants to go back to you, I'll let him know you're looking for him. Now, I'm assuming whatever meeting this was, wasn't to threaten me or find Jongho. What are we doing, Hwa?" I asked, looking at my lover.

  "We were going to be speaking about forming an alliance with the Choi kingdom in peace and in war, but once again another kingdom has tried to harm you before me." Seonghwa shook his head.

  "King Choi, please allow advisor Hyungwon to guide yourself through the halls to your carriages," Seonghwa said, looking at the older man.

The king scoffed but did as Seonghwa asked him to, his people following behind him.

  "Hwa, I'm fine. Didn't you need that alliance?" I asked, holding his hand in the now empty room.

  "I don't need to form an alliance with someone who'd hurt you," Seonghwa said. I smiled softly and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

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