Chapter 1: Freedom

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Note: guys I knocked out before I submitted my first chapter lmaooo I'm sorry but it's here now!

He dreamt what life could've been as his body laid flat in fetal position against the cold and sleek gray floors within the confines of his cell. His eyes sewn together in concentration, attempting to numb and distort interlinked, ghastly moans and screams outside of his perimeter.

Sebastian Sallow desperately wanted to escape from his own personal hell and so when he closed his eyes, he imagined a seventh year version of himself creeping into the restriction section for what seemed like the hundredth time. Although, he wasn't alone.

Back pressed against the dusty interior of a bookcase, Sebastian sat on the red-rugged floor with a spell book in hand. His slick fingers would trace around the edges of parchment, his eyes carefully absorbing every new information from the text.

Perhaps the term 'absorption' was an overstatement, because he couldn't help but tear his eyes away from the book ever so often to steal a vital glance at the girl next to him. His true partner in crime. His kindred spirit.

Her thighs pressed back slightly against her belly as she sat on the floor with him. A spell book propped above her knees as she too, relished in her new studies. It would be so distracting for him to mind his business.

The way her lips purse as she read made it tempting for him to reach for her face and press his wet mouth against hers. The way he would have wanted to plunge his tongue into her caverns and explore the very depth of her. He'd taste bits of treacle tart she dined so much.

The restricted section would no longer be a place for study but pure exploration amongst each other. He'd muster the strength to grab her and place her on his lap before pushing her hair back and delving kisses into her neck. His nostrils would inhale the faint scent of her perfume. Her skin would shiver in response. Fingertips coiling around his white collar, her hips involuntarily arching into his throbbing member beneath his clothes.

His girl would try to plead, "S-Sebastian...we'll be caught if we don't stop this now."

A dark chuckle would rumble against her neck, "Let her come. I want her to catch me fucking you.." And he would proceed to make her squirm.

His best friend's lectures regarding their romantic escapades in the restricted section would be far scarier than a series of Schribner's detentions. But even amidst their little adventures, they would always find time to study for their N.E.W.T.S. The three of them, together as always.

"You and me? We'll be the best aurors the wizarding world has ever known-"

A scream ripped into the air and Sebastian instinctively cracked his eyes open and pushed his body up from the guard. His breaths quickened when he saw between the cracks of his door, a cellmate on the other side being pinned by a dementor. The man screeched, head shaking left and right before the dementor placed its kiss. His screams died out to a quiet whimper but the room turned so silent, that everyone could only hear his remaining struggle.

Sebastian slammed his back against the wall, shuddering to himself as he bore witness to the entire thing. When the dementor was done, it allowed the man to collapse onto the floor. He never got back up after that.

Sebastian realized his dream would never happen. Two years have passed and instead of being at school, preparing for a test that could determine a promising career, he was here. Imprisoned in Azkaban.

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