Fools in Love?

Start bij het begin

"But then how are we supposed to get it checked, huh baby? You are in so much pain. It might even be a concussion."

"It's not. I am okay. Trust me. I am conscious. And I don't even feel like vomiting. I think it will get better on its own. Just let me just nap like this."

"Taehyung, We cannot take that risk. Let me at least make a call to the in-house medical staff. They will be here in no time." Jungkook said, cradling the other's head.

"Then make a call like this." The other demanded, clinging more. His face was buried in the prince's chest.

Jungkook let out a sigh,  and said,  "Why are you so stubborn, Taehyung? Okay, fine! I'll call from here, but just let me get my phone. I put it in the bag I was packing. Let me just get it."

"Noooo! You will leave if I let go of you. I cannot have that. Please don't leave me." The scientist muttered. This made the prince frown.

"Tae, look at me. I won't go for long. You need to see a doctor, baby! Please. What has gotten into you?" But Taehyung just kept muttering 'No's and 'Please's; still rubbing his face into the chest. It made the prince frown. He suspected something, so he asked.

"Tae, I am talking to you. Look at me. Please. I am gonna ask you something and please answer honestly. Are you seriously hurt or are you just making an excuse to stop me from leaving?"

When he still did not get a response, he guessed the answer to his question. It made him upset.

"Tae, please let go. I don't want to push you away and hurt you by forcing my way out." But then he heard the other whimper while still clutching on to him. Was he crying? Jungkook pulled his head away from the hold as it loosened a bit; to have a look at his fiancé's face but when he did, it broke a string in his heart. The elder was crying. It looked like he was trying to control it, but it wasn't working. His eyes screwed shut, lips parted, face paled.

"Hey, Taehyung?…"

"Don't go. Please. I don't know what I did wrong, but I don't like you behaving like this with me. I am sorry if while trying to cover for us, I did something stupid. You know I am not good with these things. I thought it wouldn't hurt if I did as grandma said. But I messed up, anyway. But please don't go to the camp. Just don't go. I'll be so lonely here. Even my hyungs are not here…"

"Oh, Tae… " And now it was Jungkook's turn to feel guilty. He held the other close, gently. He rocked them both, slowly.

"I am not leaving you alone, Tae. Ever."

He then made them lie down. Spooning the scientist from behind. He kept rubbing his palm on the other's side, trying to calm the scientist. And he succeeded but then they both were just too exhausted with whatever had happened that day, they fell asleep in minutes holding onto each other.


When the morning arrived, none of them were able to wake up. They were snuggled up in each other's warm embrace. Too comfortable to move or let go. This time, Jungkook's face was snuggled into the crook of Taehyung's neck. And Taehyung's arms and legs were draped around him in a cuddly hold. He had wrapped his own arms around Taehyung's middle.

It was almost two months of them living together, under one roof. But never had they ever been this close even when they shared the bed multiple times. Sometimes, in sleep, their sides would touch, or they would cross their side of the bed, and an arm or leg would land up on the other side of territory or even their body. But it was all very subconscious. They would shrug it off after waking up. But right now, everything was intentional, deliberate. But right now, everything was intentional, deliberate. The proximity was not just with the body but also their minds have also wrapped around each other. The snuggles, nuzzles, and touches that were happening in their sleep were not unwanted.

Oblivious to all this, when Eun-Ji entered their room early that morning to call Jungkook for their morning walk, she didn't expect to find these two all cuddled up together. Because whenever she entered the room to call for Jungkook, she would always find him dressed in his activewear, moving around the room to collect his stuff. And the scientist would either be doing the same, but for his work. And sometimes he would also join them for the walk (unwillingly!) So today, when Eun came by their chamber, the guards didn't stop her. Even the door of the chamber was unlocked like usual. Nothing was out of routine except for the adorable sight she was greeted with.

Basically, Eun-Ji had no idea about the prince and scientist's pretend relationship. She had always thought that they were together, and the child that she was surrogating was a planned one. The couple had a very lively relationship, according to her. It did baffle her a little that how opposite these two were, but then people say that opposite attracts, isn't it?

And seeing these two baby-daddies being this cute together, she couldn't help but be in awe. She quickly pulled the phone out without thinking, and snapped a quick picture. In the excitement that was bubbling inside her, she sent this picture to Jin and Jimin, who had shared their numbers with her in case of an emergency.

"Aren't they cute?" the caption said.

It definitely brought a smile to both the recipients' faces. But unknown to her, there was another recipient of that message, who had a deep frown instead of a smile.

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