Chapter. 1 Time to go

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It's the 3rd december 2022. Now I have to get away from my past and move on..
Melanie's pov.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock that was clearly not necessary because I didn't even sleep. I was to nervous to sleep. In fact I didn't even want to sleep because of today. I just wanted to sink in my bed and cry. Because I don't want to leave. I don't want to just go and froget about my home like my parents said. How could I just leave if I spent almost my entire childhood here. They don't understand what it's like to just let go of youre home, your family that lives here and mostly youre friends.I wish I could just have one more day to talk to them.
To talk about what I liked the most even if we had our ups and downs. One more time to just memorize all the good times together.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mothers voice.
"Sweety, are you up?"she asked in a soft tone.
When I didn't answer she spoke again" Turn off the alarm clock and please make yourself ready, we're going to drive away in about 30 minutes,
"mhhmm" is all I could utter while nodding slightly. "Oh and-" she started again " I've got a present from Mathilda. I wanted to give it to you yesterday but when i came into youre room you were already asleep so I thought I'd give it to you today. I'll put it on the ground"
When she left, I needed to force myself out of bed.What she told me was a complete lie.I was up the whole night and I've never heard anyone nock or open my door. While standing up I took my phone to see what time it is. "4 o'clock in the morning?" I wondered thinking why so early? I thought that my dad told us we're going at 6 o'clock. Well it doesn't matter anyway.

I came down to the kitchen to see my mother taking the last things away fom the kitchen.
Looking at the food i almost puked. I never feel like eating in the morning because I never have any appetite."C'mon eat it up already. I don't want you to pass out in the middle of the ride." Compared to the sweet voice that I heard almost everyday my mom had a grumpy annoyed voice. Surely she was stressed because of all the things she needed to pack.
I ate alone, my father was still packing stuff in our car while my brother was probadly already done with his stuff, doing whatever he wanted do.
I quickly ate up and ran to the bathroom to get myself fresh and done. Washing my face with cold water so that I would be more awake. When I got into my room again i stared at it. Empty. No table, no shelves, no wardrobe just a matress with a thin blanket. This was the place where i did almost all my things. I desinged it just the way i wanted it to be. I designed it according to my opinion. To see me room like an emptyness hurted me. It broke the feeling to me, and made my stupid head finally realize that today I'm going away from my very home. I knew that but some part of me felt like this felt fake?

"MELANIE!" I twichted when I heard my father yelling from the garage. "YEEESS?" I replied.
"MAKE URSELF READY! WE'RE LEAVING IN 5 MINUTES" Twenty five minutes have already passed? Gosh I wish time wouldn't fly away like that. I quickly changed into my sweatpants and my deep rade hoodie while grabbing my bag full of my stuff with my pillow, plushie, a book some snacks for the ride. But I'll mostly gonna use my switch if I get bored and have nothing else to do. I rushly took the present from my friend Mathilda that was packed in a deep red shaped wrapping paper with a white creamed ribbon on top. Not to mention that there was also a little card taped with tape on it. As I was about to closed the door I took one last glance at my room. It felt strange and sad to close youre room door for the last time.  The house was already bought by another family so that youre parents had enough money to buy food, hygiene things and other nessecary stuff.

Before I knew it I was already sitting in the car next to my brother. He was watching something on his Ipad while I stared at our house nearly at the verge of crying.
"How come you not seem sad?" I asked my brother. He raises an eyebrow. "Huh?"
"You rather seem happy that were leaving" I said in an annoying tone. "Well atleast I'm not a big crybaby as you are"
" Shut up (T_T)"I whined.
Me and my brother always teased each other trying to top the other one's comment. Sometimes it got out of controll but most likely we afterwards just burst out laugh at each other. Silence.
"I-" I heard him start speaking with his voice shaking while I just starded at him. "I wish I could enjoy all the good memoriez we've had again. Just one more time" It sounded like he was having the same mixed feelings like me. His hands shaky voice trembelling he starded to get tears in his eyes "I hate it. I just hate everything righg now." He burried his face in his hands sobbing. " Ethan rarely cried. To see him crying breaking down because of the fact were going to leave most of our memories behind, my stomach stardet to twist.
Suddenly me and my brother heard the trunk door open. He quickly wiped his tears that went from his eyes to his jaw away and put on his headphones.
I looked back trying to see trough all the luagge and things that were back there only to see my fathers stressed face. I could beraly hear them but some words went trough all of the suitcases and othe things.
" We'll have to try to force this thing into the trunk if you want to take it with you. Or just take this fucking shit between youre legs!"
"Levin! Language, the kids can hear us u know that"
" I don't care. They already know these kind of words so don't act like it going to be the end of the world if I say something like that."
"Levin stop." She gridded through her teeth sounding almost like she was about to break them.

But of course they argued. Again. It felt like it was the 20th time that they were arguing. If I could have I would have already gotten out of the car and ran away drowned myself in a river so that I would just get away from there.
"Please Grace, don't make this stress fuller to us than it already is! How about this. We take one of the jacket and put it between the seats of the kids so that we'll have some place in the back afterwards. That sound good to you?"
"That goes I guess "my mother mummbled.
After the changing of the tings we were all four sitting in the car.
My mother turned to us looking concerned to my brother.
"You okay Ethan? Please don't be sad everything will be fine. I'll prom-" She said with her soft voice trying to comfort him but my brother cut her off.
"Why do you suddendly care?
The both of you never really looked like it was a big deal to you that were moving away?" He said annoyed clearly not wanting to continue this conversation.
My mother stayed silent not saying another word but getting her neck pillow out and shutting her eyes. My father was still giving the Information of the location to the navigation system in our car.

Eventually my father started to drive the car away from our home to the road. I looked the whole seconds, that felt like a slow motion clip to our home one last time. To our neighborhood one last time, to rember all the grill partys and birthday celebration we've had together. It was so much fun... So much fun that it went by too fast. I wanted to look at our village one last time. The kindergarten, the elementary school i went to where I found most of my friends.
Nobody was up exept us 4. It felt wierd. Looking at the neighbors houses, all of the lights were off except some laterns that shone with with their light on the road. The moon was brigther than ever being able to light the whole city while I looked one last tim at our home. The're it is again.

It all felt fake.

It all felt like a bad dream that was driving me insane. I wish it was a dream. What i didn't even notice is thag I cried silently.My whole stomach was twisting, having the feeling like a hole grew in my stomach. If I could I would've just screamed to stop. To stop and drive the car back again to my home. But I couldn't. It was too late already.
It was too painfull to look at it so I forcingly looked away putting on my headphones, while starting to play music on spotify. Slowly shutting my eyes closed still crying because of the physical pain that i felt over my whole body and because of my home. Sinking into my thoughts and leaning against the cold window my brother carefully noticing my sad face as he put a little blanket over me covering my upper body so I didn't have to freeze.

The last things I said before I feel asleep was

" I hope that one day when I am older I will be able to see the village again and never leave."
That's the moment when I fell asleep.


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I hope you liked the first chapter! I'm moving foward to update as soon as possible so you can read more of this story.
It's very exciting to these types of things in a story! Have you ever moved away from youre home? Tell me in the comment! I never did but the feeling that Melanie has would kinda be my feelings.
For me today is Saturday so I'll hope I will be able to update next friday!

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