Chapter 5: Haunted

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Just a heads up, this chapter contains topic regarding PTSD.

This chapter is hard for me to write since I have no experience regarding this topic but I've done my best to do research about the topic, so hopefully I did this one right.


Hours turned to days. Days turned to weeks. 2 weeks have passed since Eddie and Sophia first had sex. Ever since then, the two have been spending time together, seeing each other some couple times. Eddie would sometimes come to visit Sophia at her school and Sophia would come over to Eddie's workplace. For the past two weeks they have built a very romantic relationship.

Eddie has since moved into Sophia's apartment, as he brought some of his clothes there. Since Mr. Brooks' auto shop is closer to Sophia's apartment rather than Eddie's house, Eddie opted to stay at Sophia's place. The two now basically lived together, like a couple. A lovely couple, one might add. Sophia would cook breakfast early in the morning, something she honestly rarely does when she was alone. But now with Eddie living with her, she decided to cook for the both of them.

At the moment, Eddie was working at the auto shop, repairing customers' vehicles. Mr. Brooks would help him as usual. Instead of just helping, Eddie is now a worker at Mr. Brooks' auto shop, interacting with the customer while repairing their vehicle. While on break time, Eddie would either chat with Mr. Brooks or he would continue writing his story on his laptop.

In the afternoon, Eddie was cleaning up the shop. While he was busy cleaning up, his phone rang, prompting him to stop cleaning and take his phone out of his pocket. He took a look at the caller ID, seeing that it was an unknown number. Hesitated for a bit, he answered the phone.


Eddie heard a sound of sigh through the phone.

"Who's this?"

A moment of silence before the caller answered, "Ed... it's me."

A feeling of shock and surprise surged through Eddie as he was shocked to hear the caller's voice, a familiar voice he hasn't heard for a long time.

"Clarkie??? Clarkie, is that you?" He asked, still not believing his own ears.

"Yes, Ed. It's me, Clark. Oh Lord... glad you still remember me, man. How are you?"

A sound of chuckle came out of Eddie's mouth as he replied, "I'm good, Clark. I'm good. How's you yourself, man?"

Clark let out a little laugh, "I'm alright, Eddie. I've actually just arrived at my house in Queens."

"Queens? Bro, I'm in Manhattan!!"

"For real??" Clark asked in surprise, "you don't say, man. But hey, I'm actually calling you to ask if we can meet up. I actually got discharged a few days ago but I just arrived this morning. What do you say, Eddie?"

Looking at the time, it was half past 5 in the afternoon. Eddie has no plan for the day, so he figured no harm in visiting his fellow Navy that he hasn't seen for quite a while.

"Sure. Text me the address, I'll come there."

"Alrighty", said Clark, "I'll text you soon. See ya later, my friend."

"Later, Clarkie." The call ended as Eddie scrolled to find Sophia's contact and call her. Not long after, she answered the call.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, love", Eddie said, "I might come home late today. There's some stuff I need to take care of."

"Ahh okay then", Sophia replied, "do you want me to cook something for you when you get home?"

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