She inquired about it when they were alone. Apparently, Moonbyul thought that the song was too special to enjoy by herself. It's the song that set upward trajectory of their romantic relationship. And to share it with MooMoo as a love song to them, added more substance to the lyrics. It's as if Moonbyul can borrow Solar's words to say thank you to MooMoo for the love and support she received. Moonbyul argued, their love is big enough to share this song with everyone listening, no matter how differently they perceived its meaning.

The dark concert hall filled with glittering bright lights from white-green colored Moobong and the way MooMoo sang back I Love Too to her made Moonbyul feel like the luckiest girl alive.

미안해 늘 받기만 해서

I'm sorry for always only receiving

고마워 그리고 사랑해

Thank you and I love you

Another twist happened during I Love Too performance.

In the middle of the song, surprise VCRs from the four girls' parents played on the stage screens. It's different from their plan during practice to showcase a compilation video from fans, the staff and Do-hoon must've prepared it for them.

From her spot next to Solar, Moonbyul saw Solar hide her face inside her palms, her shoulders shaking from her reserved sob; because Solar father on the screen offered his support through warm words "My lovely daughter Yongsun-ah, congratulations on your first concert. I hope MAMAMOO becomes the best girl group. MAMAMOO, fighting!" and her mother added "Fighting~"; it was a simple one-word encouragement, but it meant the world to Solar. Years of difficult journey in her career and complicated relationship with her mom, were triggered by that one expression "Fighting~".

Considering their recent fight caused by rumors and public bashing, Moonbyul can understand how her mother's tiny gesture of support affected Solar enormously.

무너지기도 수십 번이야

So many times, I broke down

오늘은 어떤 외로움이 기다리고 있을까

What kind of loneliness awaits me today?

걱정부터 내세우기 바빴던 나의 트라우마

I was so busy worrying, my trauma

And then, appeared on the big screen, the face of Moonbyul's mother and father. With her raspy deep voice, Moonbyul's mother voiced her endless support to her "My eldest daughter, Moonbyul. Mom and Dad are always cheering you on. My lovely daughter, fighting!", Moonbyul laughed happy tears. She loves that old woman with all her heart; her mom is always cheering her on, helping her on hard days, soothing her pains and worries. Moonbyul briefly wondered if she can give even a quarter of what she received back to her mom in this lifetime. Her father was as expected, adding "MAMAMOO fighting!" merrily, and making Moonbyul's heart completely filled with their love.

Moonbyul parents are everything she ever needed. They love Moonbyul more than life itself.

Standing on stage tonight, surrounded by thousands of MooMoo and her three best friends, looking at her parents; made Moonbyul very emotional.

Today is the best day of her life.

이 극복의 중심은 너야

But you're the reason I could overcome

Love you, Thank you, Need you

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