He sat down and dug in, savoring every bite. Horikita watched him eat with a hint of amusement.

It was clear he was enjoying the food, but the speed at which he was eating suggested he was struggling to pace himself.

Horikita found his enthusiasm charming and couldn't help but giggle. After dinner, they sat in silence for a moment before Ayanokoji finally broke the ice.

"Thank you for inviting me," he said, his face as expressionless as ever.

"Thank you for coming," Horikita replied while sipping her tea.

Horikita then asked if he'd like to play some chess.

He agreed, and she pointed to the chessboard. Horikita stood up and sat on one side of her bed, suggesting that Ayanokoji sit on the opposite side. He was a bit surprised by her casual invitation to sit on her bed, but he didn't hesitate.

They set up the chessboard and began playing, with the intensity of the game quickly building.

Both of them were deeply focused, each making strategic moves while subtly observing the other's reactions. It was a test of skill, wit, and subtlety, with neither willing to give an inch.

 It was a test of skill, wit, and subtlety, with neither willing to give an inch

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The chess game ended in a draw,

much to the surprise of both Ayanokoji and Horikita but despite their shock, they maintained their composure.

"You're good at this game," Ayanokoji said, acknowledging her skill.

"Likewise. I enjoyed today's game," Horikita replied with a warm smile.

After that, they eased into casual conversation, talking about various topics.

They discussed school, sports, and other subjects that came to mind.

The atmosphere was light and relaxed, it seemed as if they'd known each other for much longer than a day.

The unexpected draw had brought them closer, and they were enjoying the chance to connect outside the usual classroom dynamics.

Horikita asked, "Wanna go for a walk outside?"

Ayanokoji replied, "Sure. That chess game was pretty intense."

Horikita and Ayanokoji stepped outside for a stroll, chatting as they walked ... When they reached a nearby building and were about to turn the corner, a girl with silver hair suddenly approached them.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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