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Ayanokoji's POV

The bell rang and a women in her late 20's appeared. She looked really beautiful. Her look was very sharp and very observant.

"Good Morning to you, students, I'm the instructor for class D

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"Good Morning to you, students, I'm the instructor for class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese history. However in this school we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope I get to know all of you. The entrance ceremony should be one hour from now, but first I will distribute written materials about this school's special rules. I will also hand out the admission guide"

Her voice was very monotone but no one made fun because she looked too beautiful.

'Being beautiful has its advantages, you could maybe even commit a crime but if you look beautiful you could get away with it If only that man had some good genes to offer' Ayanokoji thought to himself

The students in the front were handing out the papers to the students behind them.

On the paper it states

'The Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School differed from other
Japanese high schools in a few key ways. All students are required to live in dormitories
located within the school's premises. Also, except for special cases, like inter school
events, students were forbidden to contact anyone outside the school. Even then, one is
only permitted to come in contact with other participants during the event. In addition to
this; contact with one's family was forbidden without authorization. Naturally, leaving the
school grounds without permission was also strictly forbidden. On the other hand, the campus was equipped with excellent facilities. With its own karaoke spot, theatre, café, boutique, and more, one could easily compare this school to a small city, being more than 600,000 square meters in size. The school also broaded another unique feature: The S-System.'

'There are many things that I have only heard of but have never seen in person, I would only get to see them in pictures but have never visited them. I wonder how good food tastes?'

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your ID cards, you can access any of
the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so on. As you can already infer,
it acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. Anything located in the school premises is available for use."

that would prepare most students for the financial situations in the future. As teenager's do tend to be reckless with their money according to the parents in the internet.

What classifies as Anything? Could someone murder someone with enough points or even expel someone with enough points, maybe even buy exam's or the marks ?

"Your student cards can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner. The method is simple, so you shouldn't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 100,000 points already. Keep in mind that one point is worth one yen. No further explanation should be necessary."

The classroom erupted in surprise and confusion. Everyone except Horikita, that is. She sat there with a knowing smile, not smug, but like someone who's watching people walk into a trap they should've seen coming.

Ayanokoji thought, *Sensei said we get 100,000 points, but she never said it's every month. There's definitely a catch.*

As he was about to raise his hand to ask a question, Horikita gently pulled it back. Her touch was soft and careful.

Sensei's eyes zeroed in on Ayanokoji, noticing he was about to speak but was stopped by Horikita.

"Why did you stop me?" he asked, surprised.

"You were going to ask if we get 100,000 points next month, right?"


"Don't bother," Horikita replied. "First, everyone will just laugh at you, making you look bad. Second, the teacher won't reveal anything. If it's too easy, it's not worth it. The real question is about the S-System that determines how we earn points. Instead, ask how much it would cost to learn about it."

While Horikita was whispering to Ayanokoji, she made subtle hand signs to Sensei, signaling her to ask if anyone had questions. Ayanokoji sighed; he didn't like attracting attention.

Sensei then asked, "Does anyone have any Questions?"

Horikita replied, "Ayanokoji does."

Ayanokoji thought, *Why me?* but stood up and asked, "Sensei, how much would it cost to learn about the S-System?"

Sensei was taken aback, trying to maintain her composure. "Excuse me, could you repeat that?" she asked, but her eyes gave away her surprise.

The entire class turned to Ayanokoji, puzzled by his question. They started flipping through their handouts, realizing he was right. The S-System was only mentioned briefly without details.

Horikita then raised her hand.

"Yes, Horikita?" Sensei asked.

"With any system, there's a hierarchy," Horikita said. "Which makes me think that class positions can change through monthly competitions. The top class, Class A, might get more benefits for college, university, and jobs compared to Class D. So how much would it cost to confirm if this theory is correct?"

Sensei was stunned. She smiled-a genuine smile. It was clear she hadn't expected such insightful questions.

Sensei replied, "You can indeed get the information, but it will cost you. If you all choose to learn about the S-System, you won't receive your 100,000 points this month. Would you really sacrifice that much for knowledge that might be useless? This isn't just about Ayanokoji or Horikita; everyone in this class has to agree. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"

The classroom erupted into chaos after Sensei's question.

"Wait a minute!"

"I didn't agree to this!"

"How do we know any of this is true?"

Hirata, trying to calm everyone, said, "Okay, everyone, let's take a moment to breathe. Sensei, could we have some time to think it over?"

Sensei's smile remained. "Sure, take your time," she said.

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