NOW— back to the actual event at hand, Kim Roksu specifically wants to dig a hole and never come out of it. Actually, he's doing pretty good so far with that already since he's been holed up in his part of his best friend's apartment.

   "This is fucking terrible," is what the korean says after revising through the last chapter of his fourth hit novel. "—absolutely horrendous, why did I make the main character fall in love with a fucking princess?"

  In disbelief, Kim Roksu rings his phone with a certain number. It goes along to second, then a third and finally it was picked up when it was on fourth.

"What do you want." A woman gruffly greeted him, "It is literally two am here, what the hell."

"Sooyoung nuna, I need help—unfortunately..."

It took a few moments for the woman to respond, especially when she was about to snore when the world help surfaced on the line. He could hear shuffling and splutters of incoherent words.

"You? Help?" Her tone sounded incredulous, it is almost funny.

Kim Roksu huffs, sounding the same as her. "Yeah. How do I get rid off the mc having love interests? I accidentally scratched up one during the publishing and I'm sure my readers have seen it because I'm tagged, countless on twitter."

Han Sooyoung cackles at his misfortune, amused by the sudden turn of events. "You're lucky I am a very benevolent person!" Right... like she was.

"Just kill everyone off, lol." Said the woman who created a protagonist with only a killing intent to live on but nevertheless, it was an option. He could very well make it as another trauma but he'd probably receive lots of cries and screams from everyone again.

"How about the princess actually taking interest on him for a few weeks but then, she finds someone else?" Kim Roksu offers.

"Eh," Han Sooyoung unhelpfully voiced, "Okay yeah, that's good but what about the fact that there's a realisation that she can't love someone for who he is. I mean the mc is a hero right?"

"As always." Kim Roksu tiredly admitted, slightly ashamed to a degree. "So, you're saying I should go sentimental despite implied cheating?"

"Why not?" The older woman quipped, he could hear the scrape of a chair and figured she must've opened up her computer to do the same thing and revise old works and scrape off new plotlines.

He pursed his lips, putting his phone on speaker and let it lay on his desk. "I suppose I haven't thought about how the hero falls in love, I feel like he'd be too OOC. You know?"

Han Sooyoung hums in response, the typing loud enough for the silence to be filled. "That's true, adjusting SK to fall in love with the Immortal Doctor was hard too. I had to literally think about falling in love myself and applying it to the mc."

Kim Roksu nodded, noticing the subject to be emotionally awkward—if the older woman's slightly regretful voice could be heard. Perhaps, it came from experience but no way in hell was she saying that he needs to fall in love to be able to get through his tornado of a novel?

As if like their brains were connected, Han Sooyoung hysterically intoned. "NOPE, don't even think about it! Of course I wouldn't let you do the same. It fucks you up, I'm sure."

"I wasn't." The young male deadpanned.

The older woman scoffed at his dry reply, "I'm not too sure since you were in need of my help." Han Sooyoung huffs before she dives in to another topic, "Why were you out of ideas anyway? What's got you thinking other than slacking and stories?"

That stops him from reaching out to his keyboard, he lets his shoulders sag, pathetically searching for a logical explanation except a visual image is what appears on his mind. A man with red hair, fashionable clothes, worthy of looking like a character.

"It's not worth mentioning." He brushes off his thoughts, choosing to ignore the slight tremble of his hands. But oh, Han Sooyoung is ignorant and she chooses to be as she noisily mentions his traits. 

"It's not worth mentioning if it makes you this much of a clutter," Kim Roksu rolls his eyes at the sudden flash of his phone, Han Sooyoung's indifferent face fills up the video. "You know, it almost sounds like you're dancing around someone?"

Was he? Kim Roksu feels like he is, but he's never sure of these type of feelings. He had crushes, minimal ones, sure but it never developed to something more. So, it's a bit uncomfortable to think about the fact that he's crushing on someone again just because they are handsome. He should really stop being like that because he was worth more, and he's proved that ever since that... that day they went somewhere.

He sighs, "I'm not."

So quick to respond, the woman laughs hard in bemusement and shook her head. "Sure, whatever you say."

"Just don't try to hurt yourself by hurting them, okay?" Sooyoung sighs, "Love is something that should be done passionately, and if you're not up for that. Then don't."

It gets relatively silent, a softly busy silence before something is addressed between.


"So, who's this lucky girl?"

"Oh my God..."

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