Chapter #1★ Sun Wukong

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I take a large bite of a peach, watching the waterfall very carefully.

"提醒我..." ¹
Of what? I can't tell. It's something important.

"Reminds me of..." ¹

A small ping, then buzzes...
The contact name reads..
"Mac ♪"
Macaque is calling? Why?

"怎麼了糖梅!" ²
I answered, trying to contain the giggle.
"What's up sugar plum!" ²

"糖李子?" ³
Macaque asked.
I forgot he isn't stupid.

"Sugar plum?" ³

"Damn, I forgot you could speak."
I fiddle with a stick on the ground.

"What the hell?"
he says in a low voice.

"Are you free this afternoon?"
Wind gusts blow against the phone.

"Like um... Sunset?"
I ask, quite confused.

I can hear him take a nervous deep breath.

"Okay!! Where are we meeting up?"
I yell out, excited.

"Actually... I was thinking..."
He fake coughs.

"對不起,我在公共場合。" ⁴
"我可以去你家門口接你嗎?" ⁵
He sounds so embarrassed,
like hes scared of bothering me.
It's really, really sweet.

"I'm sorry, I'm in public." ⁴
"Can I meet you at your door?" ⁵

"Of course, all the better."

Not too long before sunset,
I hear a soft knock on the door.
I'm met with a very excited and flushed face.

...I assume hes flushed because he ran here.

"Your face is all red!"
I laugh.

He starts to choke before saying,
"I-it is?"

And then I laugh at him more.
Probably because I am a really, really nice person...

"Yeah, did you run here? Come, sit!!!"
I force him to sit on the sofa for a bit.

Afterall, I'm not going to be responsible if this man collapses!?

I wrap my tail around his arm, feeling his heart pounding.

"Dude, you better not have a heart attack on me."

His heart beats so fast like he just speedran a maraton twice!

"Dude your HEART-"

"Calm it, peaches!"
He chuckles.

"You're the one with the heart going 77mph??"
I boop his nose to annoy him.

"There is nothing stopping me from choking your strawberry blonde a-"

"That's well enough!"
"Leeet's go!"
I drag him out the door, waiting for him to lead the way.

He leads me to a weird garden.
Many flowers are flourishing.
Blue, purple, and- oh! Yellow and orange flowers!

"What's this flower?"
I ask him, curiousity blooming.

"Akebono. A yellow one."
I double take for a sec.
I didn't think he'd know?

"Okay, that one?"


I feel quite confused.
I've never been in this garden- yet, Macaque knows all these flowers? Without reading a list?

We sit down for awhile and Macaque starts pulling out flowers.

"You can't do that! Now they have to be replanted."
I frown at him.

"Don't tell me what to do in my garden."
He teases, which makes my cheeks warm.

"But-! This isn't your garden,"
"Is it?"

He rolls his eyes playfully, which tells me it is his garden.
I didn't know Macaque liked gardening?
That would've made Christmas gifts so much cheaper!!!

Next time I go to the store,
I'll buy a bunch of flower seeds for him.

He'll have to wait until Christmas to get them, but whatever!!

"Sit," he says,
"Don't move."
He grabs the small bouquet of yellow and orange flowers, carefully braiding them together ontop of my head.
Once he finishes, he seems pretty pleased.
He ruffles his hair carefully, revealing a matching flower crown but in purple and blue.

He blushes softly but I try to ignore that.
He's probably just very proud or something.

"Yours is the most beautiful,"
I said softly,
"我的李子。" ¹

My plum ¹

"Him." // SHADOWPEACH FLUFF !!Where stories live. Discover now